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Review and outlook COSMO General Meeting, 8 September 2011.

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1 Review and outlook COSMO General Meeting, 8 September 2011

2 2 Review and outlook | COSMO General Meeting, 8 September 2011, Rome Marco Arpagaus (marco.arpagaus [at] COSMO 1999-2011: a (personal) look from inside Half of my time … substantial commitment dedication to improve COSMO (the model as well as the collaboration!) and its spirit (my offer to STC, 2007)

3 3 Review and outlook | COSMO General Meeting, 8 September 2011, Rome Marco Arpagaus (marco.arpagaus [at] verification: precipitation ECMWF courtesy WG 5 0.2mm/24h 20mm/24h

4 4 Review and outlook | COSMO General Meeting, 8 September 2011, Rome Marco Arpagaus (marco.arpagaus [at] verification: precipitation, 1mm/6h UK Met Office ALADIN M-F COSMO-EU HIRLAM FMI ECMWF courtesy SRNWP-V

5 5 Review and outlook | COSMO General Meeting, 8 September 2011, Rome Marco Arpagaus (marco.arpagaus [at] Improve COSMO … … and its spirit Science Plan COSMO Standards for Source Code Development  clear scientific strategy  clear procedure and rules  common COSMO aims and goals, and common COSMO responsibility  outlook: (continue to) implement!

6 6 Review and outlook | COSMO General Meeting, 8 September 2011, Rome Marco Arpagaus (marco.arpagaus [at] Improve COSMO … … and its spirit The science is done by scientists, not the Science Plan … You! the Working Group Coordinators The SPM (and the SMC, STC, …) should facilitate successful science!

7 7 Review and outlook | COSMO General Meeting, 8 September 2011, Rome Marco Arpagaus (marco.arpagaus [at] Improve COSMO … … and its spirit Struggles … limited resources, everywhere SPM: lack of time for Working Group Coordinators and you Working Group Coordinators (and Priority Project Leaders): lack of time that can be devoted to COSMO ‘duties’ and coordination / leadership communication … …

8 8 Review and outlook | COSMO General Meeting, 8 September 2011, Rome Marco Arpagaus (marco.arpagaus [at] THE decision On Monday, the STC has decided to attribute SPM: 0.75 FTEs WGCs: 0.5 FTEs each  outlook: take this decision seriously, and make best use of this ‘protected’ time

9 9 Review and outlook | COSMO General Meeting, 8 September 2011, Rome Marco Arpagaus (marco.arpagaus [at] Thank YOU!

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