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Lesson: Energy and Space 1 Wednesday, Nov. 9 Objective: Describe how plants make their food (photosynthesis) Warm Up:

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1 Lesson: Energy and Space 1 Wednesday, Nov. 9 Objective: Describe how plants make their food (photosynthesis) Warm Up:



4 What do all living things need? Write down as many things as you can in one minute. Ready Go!

5 Plants Make Their Own Food: A Recipe for Photosynthesis



8 Photosynthesis is: How plants make their food Plants do not need to go to the cafeteria for lunch! They do need a few special ingredients, though… Write this down:

9 What is needed for photosynthesis to occur? Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) C O 2 is breathed out by animals (and people). CO 2

10 What is needed for photosynthesis to occur? Light P lants use light energy to make sugar

11 What is needed for photosynthesis to occur? Water T he plant’s leaves and roots soak up water to use for photosynthesis.

12 What is MADE by plants as a result of photosynthesis? Oxygen (O 2 ) We use it to breathe!

13 What is MADE by plants as a result of photosynthesis? Sugar (Food)

14 What is MADE by plants as a result of photosynthesis? Water P lants release water through their leaves. This is called transpiration!

15 A Formula for Photosynthesis Sun + Carbon Dioxide + Water = Food + O xygen + Water

16 What part of the plant absorbs the sun’s energy? Chlorophyll!

17 Now it’s YOUR TURN: Photosynthesis Plants Need Plants Make 3 factors 3 factors plants need plants make

18 PHOTOSYNTHESIS Plants Need Plants Make Sunlight Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Water Sugar (Food) Oxygen (O 2 ) Water

19 WATER SUGAR Why are plants called producers?

20 WHY IS PHOTOSYNTHESIS SO IMPORTANT? PHOTOSYNTHESIS is one of the most important biological process on earth! · Provides the oxygen (O 2 ) we breathe · Consumes extra Carbon Dioxide CO 2 · Makes Plant Food · Gives US food!

21 But HOW can plants use sunlight to make food??????


23 1. Plants get energy from the sun. 2. Inside the plant, the Chloroplast is where photosynthesis happens. 3. Chloroplasts are filled with chlorophyll.

24 4. Chlorophyll is the stuff that makes plants green. 5. Chlorophyll absorbs the sun’s energy and gives the plants energy to do photosynthesis. Question: What is the energy source that a plant needs to do photosynthesis? Answer: A plant’s energy comes from ________________ absorbed by _________________


26 How Are Plants and Animals Different? ·Animals cannot make their own food. ·Animals do NOT have chlorophyll (even green animals don’t have it!) Plants can make their own food. Plants have chlorophyll Producers!



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