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Vectors scalar quantities magnitude mass temperature electric potential.

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2 Vectors scalar quantities magnitude mass temperature electric potential

3 vectors magnitude & direction bold face in text force heat flux electric field magnetic field



6 MATLAB A = [A x A y A z ]; norm (A) A = [3 4 12]; a = norm (A); a 13


8 A+B A B

9 A-B A B -B


11 a = 1u x + 2u y + 3u z b = 3u x + 2u y + 1u z c = a + b c = 4u x + 4u y + 4u z >> a = [1 2 3]; >> b = [3 2 1]; >> c = a + b; c = 4 4 4 vectors - addition


13 B A 

14 B A 


16 B A 

17 x y z xx xx yy yy zz zz A

18 MATLAB dot (A, B) A = [1 2 3]; B = [2 3 4]; c = dot (A, B); c 20


20 x y z A B 

21 x y z A  B

22 x y z A B

23 x y z A B 

24 x y z A B 

25 x y z A B 

26 x y z A B  area = AB sin 


28 MATLAB A = [1 0 0]; B = [0 1 0]; c = cross (A, B); c 0 0 1 d = cross (B, A); d 0 0 -1


30 intersection of 3 planes x y z



33 intersection of 2 planes and a cylinder  x y z  z

34   r


36 There are MATLAB commands that permit you to go back and forth between different coordinate systems. They are listed in the text for this class.



39 h 2 d     h 1 d     h 3 d    

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