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Macbeth Vocabulary.

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1 Macbeth Vocabulary

2 Vocabulary List #1: Macbeth Directions: Copy down each word and definition on your own sheet of paper. Determine the part of speech for each word after you have written down each definition. augment: to make greater or to supplement augury: an omen or prophecy avarice: greed beguile: to deceive or mislead bestow: to grant or to give censure: to blame or to condemn chide: to voice disapproval; to scold clamor: loud noise or shouting cloister: to seclude or confine confound: to cause one to become confused

3 Vocabulary List #1: Macbeth Directions: Copy down each word and definition on your own sheet of paper. Determine the part of speech for each word after you have written down each definition. 11. corporeal: relating to a physical and tangible body 12. daunt: to intimidate, to dismay epicure: a person who understands a lot about food and drink; a connoisseur homage: a reverential regard; respect shown by external action industrious: skillfully busy or occupied Adj.

4 Vocabulary List #1: Macbeth Directions: Copy down each word and definition on your own sheet of paper. Determine the part of speech for each word after you have written down each definition. augment: v: to make greater or to supplement augury: n: an omen or prophecy avarice: n: greed beguile: v: to deceive or mislead bestow: v to grant or to give censure: v: to blame or to condemn chide:v to voice disapproval; to scold clamor: n loud noise or shouting cloister: v to seclude or confine confound: v to cause one to become confused

5 Vocabulary List #1: Macbeth Directions: Copy down each word and definition on your own sheet of paper. Determine the part of speech for each word after you have written down each definition. 11. corporeal: adj. relating to a physical and tangible body 12. daunt: v: to intimidate, to dismay epicure: n: a person who understands a lot about food and drink; a connoisseur homage: n: a reverential regard; respect shown by external action industrious: adj. skillfully busy or occupied Adj.

6 Vocabulary List #2: Macbeth Directions: Copy down each word and definition on your own sheet of paper. Determine the part of speech for each word after you have written down each definition. 1. Blasphemous: irreverent, profane 2. Desolate: deserted without inhabitants; barren 3. Disdain: intense dislike; to treat with scorn or contempt; to reject as unworthy. 4. Dispatch: to send away with promptness or speed. 5. Entreaty: a plea; an earnest request. 6. Expeditious: done with speed or efficiency. 7. Humane: kind, compassionate, sympathetic and considerate. 8. Malevolence: ill will or evil intentions. 9. Malicious: motivated by hate or deliberate intent to harm. 10. Scrupulous: very careful and conscientious; very principled. forswear galling contend lecher

7 Vocabulary List #2: Macbeth Directions: Copy down each word and definition on your own sheet of paper. Determine the part of speech for each word after you have written down each definition. 11. pernicious: very destructive or harmful; deadly. 12. mirth: gladness and merriment usually accompanied by laughter. 13. palpable: obvious, easily observed; able to be touched. 14. cleave: stick to something; to be faithful to. 15. repose: rest.

8 Vocabulary List #2: Macbeth Directions: Copy down each word and definition on your own sheet of paper. Determine the part of speech for each word after you have written down each definition. 1. Blasphemous: (adj.) irreverent, profane 2. Desolate: (adj.) deserted without inhabitants; barren 3. Disdain: (n). intense dislike; scorn (v) to treat with scorn or contempt; to reject as unworthy. 4. Dispatch: (v) to send away with promptness or speed. 5. Entreaty: (n)a plea; an earnest request. 6. Expeditious: (adj.) done with speed or efficiency. 7. Humane: (adj.) kind, compassionate, sympathetic and considerate. 8. Malevolence: (n) ill will or evil intentions. 9. Malicious: (adj.) motivated by hate or deliberate intent to harm. 10. Scrupulous: (adj.) very careful and conscientious; very principled.

9 Vocabulary List #2: Macbeth Directions: Copy down each word and definition on your own sheet of paper. Determine the part of speech for each word after you have written down each definition. 11. pernicious: (adj.) very destructive or harmful; deadly. 12. mirth: (n) gladness and merriment usually accompanied by laughter. 13. palpable: (adj.) obvious, easily observed; able to be touched. 14. cleave: (v) stick to something; to be faithful to. 15. repose: (n) rest.

10 Vocabulary List #3: Macbeth Directions: Copy down each word and definition on your own sheet of paper. Determine the part of speech for each word after you have written down each definition. 1. diminution: (n) diminishment, reduction in size or importance of something 2. sovereign: (n) one possessing or held to possess supreme political power 3. esteem: (n) estimate of value; approval and respect often blended with fondness. 4. intemperance: (n) lack of moderation (usually relating to drinking alcohol) 5. lament: (v) to mourn or to express sorrow in a demonstrative manner 6. oblivion: (n) state of being forgotten 7. obscure: (adj.) difficult to see, vague; uncertain 8. palatable: (adj.) agreeable to the taste, acceptable 9. petty: (adj.) small and insignificant 10. potent: (adj.) powerful, having a strong effect.

11 Vocabulary List #3: Macbeth Directions: Copy down each word and definition on your own sheet of paper. Determine the part of speech for each word after you have written down each definition. 11. quench: (v) to extinguish, to put out; to relieve with liquid 12. reconcile: (v) to reestablish friendship, to resolve a dispute. 13. resolute: (adj.) characterized by a decided purpose; determined 14. temperate: (adj.) exercising self-control usurp: (v) to take possession or authority over something without right. vanquished: (v) conquered, overpowered.

12 Vocabulary List #4: Macbeth Directions: Copy down each word and definition on your own sheet of paper. Determine the part of speech for each word after you have written down each definition. 1. warranted: (v) justified 2. utter: (v) to express by speaking 3. trifling: (adj.) not significant, frivolous 4. summon: (v) to call together, to send for or to request to appear 5. stealthy: (adj.) acting in a secret and sneaky way—this is a negative term 6. purveyors: (n) one who provides or procures 7. profundity: (n.) profound knowledge; intellectual depth 8. homely: (adj.) plain or unattractive in appearance. 9. sanctify: (v.) to purify. 10. galling: (adj.) very irritating.

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