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Salem Witch Hunt Background to The Crucible By Arthur Miller.

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1 Salem Witch Hunt Background to The Crucible By Arthur Miller

2 Treehouse of Horror “Easy-Bake Coven”: In 1649, Marge is accused of being a witch. It turns out she and her sisters actually are witches who learn that it’s easy to scare people into giving them treats. [Episode also depicts parody of I Am Legend (Will Smith) and The Fly (Jeff Goldblum)]. Season 9 Episode 8

3 Definition of a Witch One who serves the devil by performing evil acts in the world Form contract with Satan by signing his book (with blood) Amazing powers to fly through the air, perform great feats of strength, change appearance, and cause misfortune or death to their victims Robert Johnson, 1935

4 Definition of a Witch Work alone or with “familiar” animal companion Witches congregate by night in groups or covens to hold a witches’ Sabbath Witchcraft considered an evil form of religion practiced by heretics (anyone who did not practice the state-approved religion) Three Macbeth Witches

5 Superstitions Saying “God Bless You” following a sneeze An eclipse was seen as an omen of evil It was unlucky for a black cat to cross your path Cast A Stone

6 Superstitions The ‘seventh son of a seventh son’ was believed to possess supernatural powers It was unlucky to keep the feather of a peacock Pin bay leaves to your pillow on the Eve of St Valentine, one at each corner and one in the middle and you will then dream of your future husband

7 Superstitions Knock wood to guard against bad luck. Do not walk under ladders Cris Fuhrman

8 Superstitions Shoes on a table Spilling salt or pepper

9 Methods of Testing for Guilt Crossbinding – tied right thumb to left big toe and left thumb to right big toe and placed face down in water. The innocent sank and the guilty floated. Walking the Berkshires

10 Methods of Testing for Guilt Spiritual Attributes – “Witchmark” is any physical abnormality of the suspect was considered a sign of the devil’s influence

11 Methods of Testing for Guilt Superhuman Feats – Mind-reading or some physical phenomenon such as lifting an impossibly heavy object Empirical Evidence – Injury, illness, or property damage was considered proof that the mischief was caused by a person with satanic powers

12 Methods of Testing for Guilt Public Tests – Observing the hysterical reactions of the afflicted girls as the judges questioned the “witches” Witchcraft at Salem Village

13 Methods of Testing for Guilt Spectral Evidence – Either an “apparition” of the accused person attempting to cause some injury to the victim or the “specter” of a dead person who appeared in a vision and attributed his or her death to the accused (highly controversial) Salem Witch Trials

14 Spectral Evidence

15 Michael P. Clark

16 Methods of Testing for Guilt Peine Forte et Dure – Old outdated English common law that permitted placing stone weights upon the body of the accused until he died Pressing to Death

17 Witch Executions Switzerland – more than 500 condemned witches were burned to death in Geneva Italy – In Como, 975 were put to death in 1524 France – In Toulouse, 40 witches were burned to death in 1557

18 Witch Executions Spain – No attempt made at gaining an official tally of deaths because of horrendous numbers Germany – During two centuries of terror, 100,000 persons accused of witchcraft were executed. (In 1589, 1333 were burned in one day.) Iron Maiden of Nurenberg

19 Witch Executions England – During England’s “Long Parliament” (1640-1660), 30,000 persons were executed as witches Scotland – Between 1640 and 1660, 4,000 people lost their lives as witches America – The total number of “witches” executed was only 36, but 20 of them were put to death in 1692

20 Witch Executions Unofficial estimates of the European total number killed range from one to nine million. The latter figure probably including those who died while waiting to be tried as well as those who were killed as they were being tested to determine their guilt or innocence.

21 Witchcraft Hysteria Salem Witch HuntSalem Witch Hunt… experience it!

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