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Water Management During and After Disasters/Conflicts (Session 1.3.4) Major issues to be bridged Gap existing between emergency response and normalization;

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Presentation on theme: "Water Management During and After Disasters/Conflicts (Session 1.3.4) Major issues to be bridged Gap existing between emergency response and normalization;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Management During and After Disasters/Conflicts (Session 1.3.4) Major issues to be bridged Gap existing between emergency response and normalization; Gap in the vision/agendas between water utilities, donors, development agencies and humanitarian players; Gap between shrinking resources and growing demands; Gap between international law provisions and their implementation.

2 Water Management During and After Disasters/Conflicts (Session 1.3.4) Actions / initiatives to help the bridging process Take water issues out of the conflict dynamics; Create/support platforms aiming at harmonizing visions/agendas of utilities, donors and organizations in view of addressing urgent and future needs of disaster affected populations; Create mechanisms whereby women are able to express their concerns and proposals in solving pressing water and sanitation issues affecting their daily lives; Adapt / Change the structure of the Joint Water Committee in order to increase accountability and transparency in the decision making process.

3 Water Management During and After Disasters/Conflicts (Session 1.3.4) Sound bytes Take water issues out of the conflict dynamics and politics From potential constraint to opportunity potential

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