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Employee Recognition & Morale Do you have an employee morale strategy?

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Presentation on theme: "Employee Recognition & Morale Do you have an employee morale strategy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Employee Recognition & Morale Do you have an employee morale strategy?

2 2 Positive Employee Morale = Good Corporate Mental Health

3 3 Negative effects of low employee morale Increased absenteeism/turnover Decreased productivity Increased injuries/accidents Increased healthcare costs Increased non-productive time Increased HR issues Increased anxiety/stress levels

4 4 Positive effects of high employee morale Decreased absenteeism Increased productivity Decreased injuries/accidents Decreased healthcare costs Decreased non-productive time Decreased HR issues Decreased anxiety/stress levels Management Becomes Easier

5 5 Necessary steps Self analysis Research Notice employees Listen Show appreciation Correct with kindness Ask for feedback

6 6 Self analysis Are you inspired? Are you inspiring to others? Do you interact or just give orders? Can you take criticism and see it as a positive? Do you really listen? Do you engage your employees? Do you seek continuous improvement? Are your employee’s afraid of you? Do you give up easily? What can you control?

7 7 Research With employee and management participation, to determine just what factors are at play that affect morale within the organization. You will find this includes things that involve individual satisfaction with work roles right through to ineffective company policies and practices or lack of clear direction, poor management, etc. Brainstorm ways in which grievances and complaints that affect morale can be turned around - put in place improved methods and let it be seen by employees and management alike that procedures are in progress that address these issues. Openly invite and encourage honest employee feedback.

8 8 Notice employees Do you know each employee’s personality? Do you always wait for employees to come to you? Do you only notice what is wrong? Do you acknowledge when they do it right?

9 9 Listen Listen means stop talking Listen means stop preparing to talk Repeat what you heard Write it down Little things matter Should I take action or not?

10 10 Show appreciation & care Verbal acknowledgement Public acknowledgement Written praise Group appreciation Make it fun Show sympathy

11 11 Correct with kindness There is always a kind way Kindness does not equal weakness Use yourself as an example Shoot straight Put it in writing Follow up

12 12 Ask for feedback Let employees in on morale improvement Ask their opinion Use their ideas No “One time speeches” or “Flavor’s of the month” Learn “Non-defensive” responses Repeat often

13 13 Morale improvement ideas Include spouses in major celebrations Employee luncheons for reaching milestones Spot Bonus for above & beyond work Circle Of Excellence Awards Make safety fun (play a game) Compete Safe driver plaques Books with a personal message from you

14 14 Circle of Excellence Awards

15 15 Spot Bonus & Other Awards

16 16 Other ideas to consider Organizing affordable daycare facilities for children Flexible work timetables Gym memberships or weight loss program assistance Counseling/EAP

17 17 Summary Focus on yourself first Research Learn to really listen Kindness is king Never give up Realize when it’s working Repeat

18 18 Final thoughts It’s the little positives that improve morale the most It’s the little negatives that damage morale the most

19 19 Questions or Comments??

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