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Chapter 2 Review. Atomic Structure Protons Neutrons Electrons.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Review. Atomic Structure Protons Neutrons Electrons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Review

2 Atomic Structure Protons Neutrons Electrons

3 Atomic Structure Atomic Number Mass Number Isotopes Energy levels

4 Chemical Bonds Molecules Compound Ionic bonds – Cations – Anions Covalent bonds – Polar covalent – Nonpolar covalent

5 Chemical Bonds cont. Hydrogen bonds States of Matter

6 Chemical Reactions Reactants Products Metabolism – All the chemical reactions in the body

7 Enzymes, Energy & Chemical Reactions Activation Energy Enzymes – Catalysts Exergonic reactions – Release energy Endergonic reactions – More energy required to begin the reaction than is released

8 Inorganic Compounds Nutrients – Essential elements & molecules Metabolites – Molecules that can be synthesized or broken down by chemical reactions inside our body Electrolytes – Undergo ionization in water to form ions Hydrophilic hydrophobic

9 Water & Its Properties Solution – Solutes – Solvents – pH Acids Bases Neutrals

10 Organic Compounds Carbohydrates Include starches & sugars Carbohydrates – Monosaccharides Monomer - glucose – Disaccharides – Polysaccharides Dehydration synthesis

11 Lipids Include: fats, oils, waxes Monomers – Fatty acids & glycerol Water insoluble Steroids – Structure of cell membranes – Sex hormones – Lipid digestion

12 Proteins cont. Monomers – Amino acids Polypeptide bonds Levels of structure – Primary (amino acid sequence) – Secondary (amino acid interactions) – Tertiary (complex folding) – Quaternary (protein complexes)

13 Proteins Structural proteins Contractile proteins Transport proteins Buffering proteins Enzymes Hormones Antibodies

14 Enzymatic Reactions Active sites Substrates Denature

15 Nucleic Acids DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) – Sugar deoxyribose – Nitrogenous bases Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine RNA (Ribonucleic acid) – Nitrogenous bases Adenine, Guanine, Uracil, Cytosine – Sugar Ribose

16 High Energy Compounds ATP – Adenosine triphosphate ADP – Adensonsine diphosphate

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