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Endangered Species An Endangered (EN) species is a species which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red.

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Presentation on theme: "Endangered Species An Endangered (EN) species is a species which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red."— Presentation transcript:


2 Endangered Species An Endangered (EN) species is a species which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List as likely to become extinct. "Endangered" is the second most severe conservation status for wild populations in the IUCN's schema after Critically Endangered (CR).

3 COMMON NAMESCIENTIFIC NAMECONSERVATION STATUS ↓ Amur LeopardPanthera pardus orientalisCritically Endangered Black RhinoDiceros bicornisCritically Endangered Cross River GorillaGorilla gorilla diehliCritically Endangered Hawksbill TurtleEretmochelys imbricataCritically Endangered Javan RhinoRhinoceros sondaicusCritically Endangered Leatherback TurtleDermochelys coriaceaCritically Endangered Mountain GorillaGorilla beringei beringeiCritically Endangered PangolinCritically Endangered SaolaPseudoryx nghetinhensisCritically Endangered South China TigerPanthera tigris amoyensisCritically Endangered Sumatran ElephantElephas maximus sumatranusCritically Endangered Sumatran OrangutanPongo abeliiCritically Endangered Sumatran RhinoDicerorhinus sumatrensisCritically Endangered Sumatran TigerPanthera tigris sumatraeCritically Endangered VaquitaPhocoena sinusCritically Endangered Western Lowland GorillaGorilla gorilla gorillaCritically Endangered Yangtze Finless Porpoise Neophocaena asiaeorientalis ssp. asiaeorientalis Critically Endangered

4 Why Protect Endangered Animals? -All animals have an important role to play in life. -If we destroy a type of herbivore species; The species are gone forever after extinction and there might be an overgrowth of plants, and if a type of herbivore is immune to a poisonous plant and it is extinct, we might have a problem. -All animals have a right a right to survive, even if they are nasty or ugly.






10 How to prevent Endangered Animals from becoming extinct. -Contribute to companies who protect endangered animals -Do not buy products made of animal hide, teeth, and other types of body parts -Make your home wildlife friendly -Recycle and buy sustainable products -Do not hunt/poach wildlife -Protect wildlife habitat

11 Credits Director - Michael Bay Co Director - Paul Blart Manager – Vault-Tec Film Editor – Shaun Lumampao Pictures – Dayne Gonzales Stunt Artist 1 – Lebron James Stunt Artist 2 – Andrei Apostol Stunt Artist 3 – Donald Trump Chef – Stephen Curry Sound Editors – Luke Skywalker, Simba Font Editor – Darth Vader Captain Sum Ting Wong – Zach Delerosa Wi Tu Lo – Jones BBQ Foot Massage Musician Artists – Justin Beaver Vocals – Justin Trudeau Costume Artist – Moises Lozano Protagonist – John Cena Antagonist – Undertaker Customer 1 – Joker Customer 2 – Ash Ketchup Teacher - Adam Sandler Janitor – Kevin James Student 1 – Charizze Guinez Student 2 – Peppa Pig Snoop Dawg – Dexter Mcfarlene Pikachu – Pikachu Computer Nerd – Michael Mallari Lebron James – Elsa Justin Trudaeu – Kevin O’Leary


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