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No explanation… (Margarita María 9 years old). Thunders and a castle (Santiago 6 years old)

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Presentation on theme: "No explanation… (Margarita María 9 years old). Thunders and a castle (Santiago 6 years old)"— Presentation transcript:

1 No explanation… (Margarita María 9 years old)

2 Thunders and a castle (Santiago 6 years old)

3 No explanation… (Claudia Gabriela 9 years old)

4 I was in a farm and sitting in the grass, I lay down and play with the shapes of the clouds (Daniela 7 years old).

5 The beach (Juliana 6 years old)

6 The water burning (Camilo 6 years old)

7 No explanation (John 6 years old)

8 This is the sea, the sun with glasses… smiling to me (Santiago 6 years old)

9 I was under the sea and I met a shark, a dolphin and fish and I can also breathe there and we were in a party they are my friends (Luis Carlos 6 years old)

10 I was traveling through the space, then I make a stop on Mars, and I said goodbye to Mars and I went home (Juan Andrés 7 years old).

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