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Welcome to Fourth Grade Open House 2015-2016 Morning Procedures Agendas must be signed nightly. Homework is expected to be complete and without excessive.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fourth Grade Open House 2015-2016 Morning Procedures Agendas must be signed nightly. Homework is expected to be complete and without excessive."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to Fourth Grade Open House 2015-2016

3 Morning Procedures Agendas must be signed nightly. Homework is expected to be complete and without excessive errors. Parents, please review child’s homework prior to it being turned in. Spelling /Vocabulary should be practiced as needed.

4 Reading Reading Series www.connected.mcgraw- I- Station You can do it at home! State Tests in April Accelerated Reader

5 Writing Source Writing Time given- at least 90 minutes Responding to Texts Sighting Text Evidence Will be Explanatory or Opinion/ Persuasive

6 Lunch/Specials/Recess Lunch - 11:20 ish- 11:50- ish Specials 2:35-3:20 Recess 11:50 ish- 12:25 No Recess on P.E. day.

7 Math Multiplication and Division -Know your facts! Areas of Study:  Place Value  Multiplication  Division  Fractions  Geometry/ Measurement  Algebra   Remember this face!

8 Core Knowledge Curriculum Core Knowledge Curriculum Scientific Process Rock Cycle SCIENCE FAIR PROJECTS Space/Moon Phases Ecosystems and plants Energy Medieval Times (Middle Ages) Majestic Mountains of the World Revolutionary War Florida History Civics

9 Field Trips, Activities & Projects…Oh my! Medieval Day …Oct. 23rd Medieval Times Field Trip………Oct. 30 th Medieval Play …Nov. 5 th St. Augustine…Jan 22nd Florida Day ……… May 13 th Lagoon Day …May 9th Science Fair Projects- TBA Must do a Science Fair Project by yourself this year! Tropicana Speech contest Spelling Bee

10 Uniform Policy Please check that your child is in proper uniform each day. Thank you! Common Violations Belts Socks- not colorful No Neon Accessories

11 4 th Grade Web Site

12 Important Information www. Focus : Grade book Newsletters- Every other week! Thursday Folders Field Trip Chaperones chosen by lottery system!

13 Medieval Day

14 Medieval Times in Orlando

15 St. Augustine

16 E.L.C.


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