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22/02/20161. Welcome to Primary 5 5a: Mrs Wells (Monday, Tuesday alternate Fridays), Mrs Hunter (Wednesday, Thursday, alternate Fridays) 5b: Miss Cook.

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Presentation on theme: "22/02/20161. Welcome to Primary 5 5a: Mrs Wells (Monday, Tuesday alternate Fridays), Mrs Hunter (Wednesday, Thursday, alternate Fridays) 5b: Miss Cook."— Presentation transcript:

1 22/02/20161

2 Welcome to Primary 5 5a: Mrs Wells (Monday, Tuesday alternate Fridays), Mrs Hunter (Wednesday, Thursday, alternate Fridays) 5b: Miss Cook (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning, Friday), Miss Blackie (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday) 22/02/20162

3 3 Introduction The purpose of the discussion: 1. to learn more about your child’s education this year. 2. to learn more about school/class procedures. 3. to ask any questions that you might have – but please none about your child as this is not a parent/teacher meeting.

4 22/02/20164 A Curriculum for Excellence Maths and Language Environmental Studies and RME ICT Homework Assessment and marking Team Teaching Celebration of Success

5 22/02/20165 A Curriculum for Excellence

6 22/02/20166 Maths and language Maths: –Focus on skills –A variety of resources –Oral; problem solving; whole class;groups –Active Maths Language: –Reading –Writing –Talking and listening

7 22/02/20167 TOPICS! ICT

8 22/02/20168 The Victorians Victorian Streets in comparison with our own. Victorian Houses. The Industrial Revolution. Victorian schools and the education. Victorian toys and games and compare them to our own. Victorian clothing.

9 New Lanark Tuesday September 25 th Please return slips and money ASAP Packed Lunches 22/02/20169

10 Other Topics in Primary 5 Topic 2: The Caribbean Island- Fair trade and sustainability P5,6,7 Topic 3: Mary Queen of Scots Topic 4: Care of the Environment Topic 5: Summer Holiday- UK focus 22/02/201610

11 Websites School Website- GLOW 22/02/201611

12 22/02/201612

13 22/02/201613

14 22/02/201614

15 22/02/201615

16 Homework Diary = communication. Please check and use language = spelling reading (x2) Maths x 1 Other (e.g. research) x 1 22/02/201616

17 Homework Reading- Monday- blue reading jotters Spelling Maths- Interactive Resources Other tasks 22/02/201617

18 22/02/201618 Assessment Marking AifL Diagnostic Tests Learning Journeys Profile Jotters

19 22/02/201619 SOFT START Independence Stimulating

20 22/02/201620 Team Teaching Communication Non-class contact time

21 22/02/201621 Celebration of Success

22 22/02/201622 Thank You for listening Any questions? ?

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