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Secondary Comprehensive School C.B. Cavour Marcianise CE Multimedia Tool for Active Education An exercise to test and strengthen knowledge ART HISTORY.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary Comprehensive School C.B. Cavour Marcianise CE Multimedia Tool for Active Education An exercise to test and strengthen knowledge ART HISTORY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Comprehensive School C.B. Cavour Marcianise CE Multimedia Tool for Active Education An exercise to test and strengthen knowledge ART HISTORY Prof. Bruno Saviani

2 …about the differences in works of art. Lets take a short trip through art and time to refresh your memory…

3 16th Century vs. 17th Century Have a nice trip!

4 David Michelangelo Inactive Relaxed Muscles Firmness Balance Disproportionate Hand David Bernini In Action Tense Muscles Movement Expression Proportion

5 Moses Michelangelo Perfection Geometric Balance Motionless Human Expression Strength and Firmness St. Theresa in Ecstasy Bernini Elegance Dynamic Balance Upward s Movement Mystical Expression Lightness

6 Raffaello La Madonna del Cardellino. [Madonna of the Goldfinch] Contemplation Diffuse Light Ideal Woman Figures Centered Foreground and Background Caravaggio La Madonna dei Pellegrini. Madonna di Loreto Humanity and Expressiveness Light Only on Figures Common Faces and Clothes Figures on a Diagonal Only Foreground

7 What periods do the following works of art belong to? Now try to interpret art on your own…

8 Giorgione The Tempest 1425/1427 Caravaggio Conversion of Saint Paul 1600/1601

9 Michelangelo Doni Tondo Caravaggio David with the Head of Goliath

10 What about architecture? Look carefully at the details in the following works and guess the period they belong to. Concentrate. Its easy!

11 Classical Order Simple Geometric Shapes Harmony Proportion ? Palladio La Rotonda 1550

12 Variety of Decor with Stuccos and Sculptures Curves Serpentine Effect ? Borromini San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane 1634

13 Well done! Now your memory is going to put YOU to the test! Are you ready???

14 True or False? The Baroque style is rich in decor and aims to invoke amazement and wonderThe Baroque style is rich in decor and aims to invoke amazement and wonder Michelangelo left his last statues unfinished because he was tired. The first artists to use oil painting were the Aztecs The word baroque derives from the word Bacchus Leonardo da Vinci lived in the second half of the 17th century Raffaello Sanzio portrayed The Last Supper Rinascimento (Renaissance) is the rebirth of swallows in spring

15 True ! …now on to the other questions!

16 False! …give the right answer!

17 False! If you answered correctly, everything is clear to you. If not, what a mess youre in!

18 False! If you answered correctly, you are really smart! Tell your friends the right answer and lets move on!

19 False! If you answered correctly, you are well prepared! If you were wrong, well…, you have to study the lives of the artists!

20 False! If you answered correctly you are really good! So, tell us something about Raffaello! If you were wrong… pay more attention before answering!

21 False! If you answered correctly you are super ! Tell us how the Renaissance started. If you are still wrong… no pizzeria tonight, youve got to hit the books!

22 The End The game is finished but the challenge of time has just begun! Get ready for a new trip and a new challenge!

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