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Политическая система России и Великобритании. Political system of Great Britain Political system of Great Britain.

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Presentation on theme: "Политическая система России и Великобритании. Political system of Great Britain Political system of Great Britain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Политическая система России и Великобритании

2 Political system of Great Britain Political system of Great Britain

3 The Monarch The Monarch The Legislative branch The Legislative branch The executive branch The executive branch The Judicial branch The Judicial branch

4 The Queen

5 “Her Most Excellent Majesty Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Common-wealth, Defender of the Faith” is the official Head of State and, for many people, a symbol of the unity of the nation.

6 The Queen has a certain role in state affairs, not only through her ceremonial functions, such as opening Parliament, but also because she meets the Prime Minister every week and receives copies of all Cabinet papers. The Queen has a certain role in state affairs, not only through her ceremonial functions, such as opening Parliament, but also because she meets the Prime Minister every week and receives copies of all Cabinet papers.

7 Functions of the Queen: -opening and closing Parliament; -approving of the appointment of the Prime Minister; -giving her Royal Assent to bills; -giving honours such as peerages, knighthoods and medals; -Head of the Commonwealth; -Head of the Church of England; -Commander-in-Chief of the armed Forces.

8 Many members of the Royal Family undertake official duties in Britain and abroad.

9 In reality, everything is done on the advice of the elected Government, and the Monarch takes no part in the decision-making process.

10 Президент Законодательная Исполнительная Судебная власть власть власть власть власть власть Федеральное Правительство собрание собрание Областная Дума Администрация субъекта Федерации субъекта Федерации

11 Президент

12 The legislative branch

13 The British Houses of Parliament, London

14 The House of Commons

15 The House of Commons is made up of 635 elected members, known as Members of Parliament.

16 The House of Lords

17 Members of the House of Lords

18 The political parties: The Conservative Party The Conservative Party The Labour Party The Labour Party The Liberal Party The Liberal Party

19 The main functions of British Parliament :

20  to pass laws;

21  to vote on financial bills

22 Законодательная власть Законодательная власть Федеральное собрание Совет Федерации Государственная Дума Дума

23 The executive branch

24 Prime Minister and the Queen. Prime Minister is appointed by the queen. Prime Minister is appointed by the queen.

25 The cabinet of ministers. The most important ministers of the government form the cabinet.

26 № 10 Downing Street, London. The Prime Minister lives and works in the official residence, № 10 Downing Street.

27 Исполнительная власть Премьер министр

28 Правительство Министерства Гос. комитеты Федер. службы Федер. Агенства Федер. надзоры

29 The Judicial branch

30 Судебная власть Верховный суд Верховный суд Конституционный Высший арбитражный Конституционный Высший арбитражный суд суд суд суд Суды объектов районные суды Суды объектов районные суды Федерации Федерации

31 1. Before bills can become laws both Houses of Parliament must ….. then. 1. Before bills can become laws both Houses of Parliament must ….. then. (revise, approve, delay) (revise, approve, delay) 2. ……. meets in the Palace known as the Houses of Parliament. 2. ……. meets in the Palace known as the Houses of Parliament. (the Cabinet, the Government, Parliament) (the Cabinet, the Government, Parliament) 3. The Houses of Commons is …. by the people. 3. The Houses of Commons is …. by the people. (electe, examine, rule) (electe, examine, rule) 4. The Monarch officially ….. life peers. 4. The Monarch officially ….. life peers. (dissolve, appoint, vote) (dissolve, appoint, vote) 5. The Monarch …… the Prime Minister. 5. The Monarch …… the Prime Minister. (appoint, vote, pass) (appoint, vote, pass)

32 6. The Cabinet …… government departments. 6. The Cabinet …… government departments. (coordinate, represent, elect) (coordinate, represent, elect) 7. The House of Lords ….. bills from the House of Commons. 7. The House of Lords ….. bills from the House of Commons. (oppose, determine, revise) (oppose, determine, revise) 8. The Queen ….. The bills. 8. The Queen ….. The bills. (sign, determine, draft) (sign, determine, draft) 9. Parliament ….. The legislative branch of power. 9. Parliament ….. The legislative branch of power. (elect, represent, rule) (elect, represent, rule) 10. The Prime Minister ….. Non-Cabinet Ministers. 10. The Prime Minister ….. Non-Cabinet Ministers. (delay, examine, choose) (delay, examine, choose)

33 Hi, Sasha! You asked me about the political system of the United Kingdom. My country is a parliamentary monarchy. We have the Queen and the Parliament. The Queen is the official head of state. The Queen is not elected. Our Parliament has two Houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The members of the House of Commons are elected for 5 years. The members of the House of Lords are permanent. The head of the Government is the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the Monarch. The Prime Minister chooses all other ministers. Could you write me about the political system of Russia? Bye, John.

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