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PGMS Respectful and responsible behaviors are identified in various school settings. Poster are hung around the building (i.e. classrooms,

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5 Respectful and responsible behaviors are identified in various school settings. Poster are hung around the building (i.e. classrooms, school buses, etc.)

6 Individual Rewards A Cougar TRACS is equivalent to a stamp.

7 Reward Redemption School store is open during homeroom for students to redeem their rewards.

8 Teacher Rewards ► “Cougar Celebrations” are an opportunity for staff to celebrate staff members ► Cougar celebrations are posted on an office bulletin board for all to read ► The Cougar Celebration forms are kept in the main office accessible to all staff members


10 The matrix is to be used to pre-correct behavior and set expectations for daily instruction. VERSUS Pre-correct Post-correct The matrix is used when addressing behavior concerns with individual students.

11 The Keys to Our Success  Shared Commitment  Communication  Summer Meeting- 2 days Data AnalysisData Analysis Honest/Candid conversationsHonest/Candid conversations Staff Professional DevelopmentStaff Professional Development Time during 1 st week back forTime during 1 st week back for teachers teachers LessonsLessons

12 Goals 2007-2008 (as defined by committee) Goals 2007-2008 (as defined by committee) Quarterly Lessons based on data analysis Reinforcement of procedures for staff Red/Yellow zone interventions based on data analysis

13 Data 2005-2006 - Columbia 2006-2007 - SWIS 2007-2008 - STARS

14 Lessons and Timeline ► Quarterly lessons were provided  Data analysis to identify current behavior issues  Staff may suggest lesson topics

15 All teachers are encouraged to include TRACS while teaching their curriculum.

16 Staff Development Time is designated to PBIS during opening week for teachers. Led by staff and administration.

17 Red/Yellow Intervention ► Discussion of possible interventions ► Mentor Homerooms ► Students Identified ► Structure Identified  Letter sent to parents  Parent conferences  Daily Progress Report  Open lines of communication

18 CLASSRESPECTRESPONSIBLITYCOMMENTSSIGN Math*Raised hand to speak *Followed directions *Used appropriate language & volume *Entered quietly *Completed all work *Came prepared *Cooperative Language Arts*Raised hand to speak *Followed directions *Used appropriate language & volume *Entered quietly *Completed all work *Came prepared *Cooperative Reading / Foreign Language *Raised hand to speak *Followed directions *Used appropriate language & volume *Entered quietly *Completed all work *Came prepared *Cooperative Science*Raised hand to speak *Followed directions *Used appropriate language & volume *Entered quietly *Completed all work *Came prepared *Cooperative Social Studies*Raised hand to speak *Followed directions *Used appropriate language & volume *Entered quietly *Completed all work *Came prepared *Cooperative Special #1 __________ *Raised hand to speak *Followed directions *Used appropriate language & volume *Entered quietly *Completed all work *Came prepared *Cooperative Special #2 __________ *Raised hand to speak *Followed directions *Used appropriate language & volume *Entered quietly *Completed all work *Came prepared *Cooperative ** Please circle any behaviors that were exhibited in your classroom.**

19 Data ► Printed monthly ► Discussed monthly by committee ► Shared with staff  2006-2007 each staff member received  2007-2008 team leaders and department chairmen disseminated

20 Outcomes ► 2005-2006 Office Referrals 1419 ► 2006-2007Office Referrals1117 Suspensions257 ► 2007-2008Office Referrals900 Suspensions129

21 Yellow/Red Zone Results Student Number of Office Referrals 2006-2007 Number of Office Referrals 2007-2008 1107 2818 3824 480 581 62216 7117 8138 91314

22 Yellow/Red Zone Results Student Number of Office Referrals 2006-2007 Number of Office Referrals 2007-2008 101713 11184 12187 1386



25 Yellow Tickets Yellow Tickets




29 Next Steps At the May PBIS meeting the committee identified the following as focus points for 2008-2009 At the May PBIS meeting the committee identified the following as focus points for 2008-2009

30 Yellow/Red Zone ► Continue mentor homerooms  Identification of students  Expand to academic support  Continue with progress report  Parent/Student conference upon entry  Student contract  Guidance once a week homeroom visitation

31 Teacher Support ► Review staff survey results ► Design staff development for all staff ► Design staff development for new staff or those who need a refresher ► Include PBIS in content meeting discussions to serve as a platform to support staff with procedures and interventions

32 Home Connection ► Build a PBIS home-school connection  Grade level newsletter  School newsletter  Parent Nights

33 Housekeeping ► New beginning of the year lessons for grades 7&8 ► Write quarterly lessons ► Restock school store ► Review procedures and forms to check for any changes ► Divide into sub-committees ► Data Manager

34 Q & A

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