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Catch 'em being good!1 Praise (is really feedback) Coincides with “Praise” handout.

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Presentation on theme: "Catch 'em being good!1 Praise (is really feedback) Coincides with “Praise” handout."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catch 'em being good!1 Praise (is really feedback) Coincides with “Praise” handout

2 Catch 'em being good! 2 Literature on “Praise” 1. To value highly 2. Commending the worth, expressing admiration 3. Praise is positive reinforcement 4. “Effective Praise”

3 Catch 'em being good! 3 General Praise vs. Specific Praise General General Praise 1. A positive verbal statement 2. Or a non-verbal sign 3. Easily understood & offers encouragement & reinforcement. Specific Specific Praise 1. When students need a little more help in understanding 2. Pair a general praise statement with a specific description of the behavior 3. Specificity!

4 Catch 'em being good! 4 General Praise vs. Specific Praise Use both to increase the likelihood that your students will engage in appropriate behavior.

5 Catch 'em being good! 5 Effective Teacher Praise Behavior specific is best 1. Praise can be motivational if reinforcement is descriptive/specific involves using student’s name choosing appropriate praise words carefully describing precisely the behavior that merits praise

6 Catch 'em being good! 6 Effective Teacher Praise 2. Positive AFFECT, more intense & detailed 3. Praise as an important reinforcement method for teachers… 4. Of elementary students, 91% preferred to be praised

7 Catch 'em being good! 7 Effective Teacher Praise 5. Praise is most effective when… Feedback Ratio of 4 to 1 6. Feedback should be… Timely Specific to a criterion

8 Catch 'em being good! 8 Effects of Teacher Praise 1. Motivation 2. Motivation & perseverance 3. Increased on-task behavior 4. Students more satisfied 5. Assembly behavior

9 Catch 'em being good! 9 Effects of Teacher Praise with EBD (Emotional Behavioral Disorder) kids 1. Effective for academic & social behavior 2. Non-intrusive, more natural (vs. cookies) 3. Positive effect on reading & math 4. Verbal praise can improve learning and decrease disruptive behavior 5. On-task behavior increased

10 Catch 'em being good! 10 Written Praise 1. Public praise vs. private 2. – a more peaceable environment 3. Praise notes – teacher to student & student to student

11 Catch 'em being good! 11 Absence of Positive Praise 1. If you don’t catch me being good I’ll make you catch me being bad?! 2. Only addressing the negative reinforces the negative. 3. Focus on being proactive/preventative vs. reactive.

12 Catch 'em being good! 12 Cougar Traits in the Community Student Name __________________________________ Displayed the Cougar Trait of: Respect Responsibility Caring Citizenship (Circle the trait you observed) Signature _____________________________________________ If you would like to write on the back the details of what you observed feel free! Thank you for supporting our youth. Acknowledge Expectations

13 Catch 'em being good! 13 Plain Dealing Middle School “LION at the FRONT” 2-day Lunch Pass Presented to: __________________________ Issued: _______________ Redeemed: _______________

14 Catch 'em being good! 14 MVP’s Praise works Feedback Ratio – “Catch ‘em being good” (4 to 1) Verbal & written Student achievement: time on task, culture, safety

15 Catch 'em being good! 15

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19 Catch 'em being good! 19 Good News Post Cards sent home Mr. & Mrs. Hallstrom, I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate Jeff’s participation in class. He always adds insightful comments. Mrs. Boe

20 Catch 'em being good! 20 Implementation of Praise Set goals for number of praise notes Reminder posters in classrooms Weekly drawings for prizes Winners announced for additional recognition Service Learning class gathered praise notes Teacher incentives and recognition

21 Catch 'em being good! 21 Next Steps… 1. Reinforcement System Public Classroom 4 to 1

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