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EU-StORe Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources (2014-1-RO01-KA202-002985) Gabriella Agrusti LUMSA University (Rome,

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Presentation on theme: "EU-StORe Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources (2014-1-RO01-KA202-002985) Gabriella Agrusti LUMSA University (Rome,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EU-StORe Creating European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources (2014-1-RO01-KA202-002985) Gabriella Agrusti LUMSA University (Rome, Italy) Third EU-StORe Meeting – Rome, Italy January 27th – 29th 2016

2  Target group: teachers and would-be teachers of different school levels  Content areas: 1.Students’ transversal basic skills improvement  Literacy (reading, writing)  Numeracy 2.Fostering students’ prospective active citizenship  Environmental sustainability  Civic Education  Financial literacy  Tackling effectively bullying at school 3.Teachers’ Professional development  ICT  OERs Overview of national OER integrated in the EU-StORe database (1) ITALY

3 Overview of national OER integrated in the EU-StORe database (2) ITALY TopicContent AreaLink Writing and re- writing texts Literacy http://www.scuolavalore.indir testi-da-testi/ Relationships between Math and Language Numeracy http://www.scuolavalore.indir merenda-dalla-lepre- marzolina Food sovereignty explained to students Environmental sustainability t/tool-kit Human Rights Education at school Civic Education m/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/I T/IDPagina/51 primo-grado How to select an OER, how to create it and share it Professional Development in ICT http://www.scuolavalore.indir scegliere-una-risorsa- didattica-documentare- unesperienza-in-classe/

4 An OER example: “A snack by the March Hare” Competences: Reading/numeracy Target group: Primary school - Grade 4-5 Average estimated time: 10-12 hours Reading (finding explicit information in the text) Numeracy (directly and inversely proportional)

5 Chances and challenges concerning the use of the database Chances:  To professionalize the OERs’ use by teachers  To provide final users with a “sneak peek” of OERs produced in other European countries  To create a common set of well-established core values for quality definition  To identify the minimum set of features necessary to fruitfully use an OER in daily classes Challenges:  “Disappearances” of one OER from the Italian selected pool, that was substituted. How to deal with this issue?  Difficulties in reading the long text fields in the DB  Need for descriptive/summary statistics on the scores assigned (e.g. per country, per topic, per target group..)  Need for “word labels” assigned to scores (0= not provided, 1 = extremely poor ….6= excellent), explaining N/A functioning in the DB

6 Contacts Skype: gagrusti Phone: +39 6 68422 282 Mobile: +39 347 1548 963 Skype: valedamiani1982 Skype: elisa.muscillo LUMSA University Via di Porta Castello, 44 00193 - Roma (Italy) Twitter: @EUStOReItaly Facebook:

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