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Presentation on theme: "Life to Eagle Presentation by Jorge L. Montes SOUTH FLORIDA COUNCIL TEQUESTA DISTRICT ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Seminar Objectives  To review the requirements for Eagle rank  To get contact numbers & important information  To discuss the Eagle Leadership Service Project  To review Eagle application process  To discuss the Eagle Court of Honor  To answer any questions from Scouts & parents  Learn the new requirements that start 2016  To understand time commitment To Avoid Any Surprises!

3 Why become an Eagle?  Be among a group of famous Americans  A U.S. President  33 Astronauts  Pulitzer Prize authors  Government leaders  Business executives  Being an Eagle Scout identifies you as a LEADER 1 6 4 2 3 5

4 Only a few make Eagle Out of 100 new scouts … only 4 will become Eagles!

5 Eagle Scouts in South Florida YearRegistered Scouts Scouts Earning EagleEagle Percentage 1995-0240,7551,1242.76% 20034,5461613.54% 20044,6612445.23% 20053,9781704.27% 20064,2262285.40% 20074,3551774.06% 20084,8201994.13% 20094,9151933.93% 20104,4232084.71% 20114,8351603.31% 20125,0792194.31% 20134,6492154.63% 20142,7771967.06% Total94,0193,4943.72%

6 Your GOAL is... …to soar as an Eagle.

7 Earning Eagle Scout Rank  Should be a combined effort by the Scout, Parents, Scoutmaster, and the Troop  Life to Eagle biggest hurdle, only if  Total responsibility is not on the scout  Priorities on entering High School, and has other Activities are not all planned correctly (time mgmt.)  Be “active” in unit, at least 75% attendance  Active for leadership positions is a requirement  Not just merely showing up, must include Scout Spirit.

8 To Achieve the Eagle Scout Rank a Scout Must Earn six prior Scouting Ranks Examples of possible items that can be obtained are: Meet 60 achievement requirements Satisfactorily complete 1,255 different tasks Be reviewed by adult Scout at a unit, District, Council and National level at least 70 times

9 Advancing from Life to Eagle... A journey from the beginning of a boy’s Scouting career are normal steps for scouts, are well planned out No requirements are added, and there are no exceptionally difficult task The rewards are just off the charts and most scouts can not see them now

10 Who Sets Eagle Requirements? Requirements set by BSA National Committee South Florida Council Advancement Committee implements policies and procedures Council Life to Eagle Chairman leads at the Council level. District Advancement Chairman at the District level helps to make them happen

11 The Seven Eagle Requirements 1. Be active for six months after Life rank 2. Live by the Scout Oath and Law 3. Earn 21 merit badges 4. Hold a position of responsibility 5. Complete an Eagle Service Project 6. Take part in a Scoutmaster conference 7. Successfully complete Eagle Board of Review

12 No council, district, unit or individual has the authority to add or subtract from any BSA advancement requirements. Be Aware ……..

13 The 12 steps to becoming an Eagle Scout How Do I Get From Life to Eagle?

14 12 Steps From Life to Eagle 1. Complete Requirements as specified 2. Complete Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook- Is recommended but not required helps organize the project and plan workbook (512-927) 3. Do 1& 2 before 18th birthday 4. Fill out Eagle Scout Application form: Obtain most current application from Council All dates must be correct (Star & Life can not be the same date please) Completely filled out, Copy & Attach Workbook

15 12 Steps From Life to Eagle 5. Unit representative submits Application and Eagle Project Workbook to Council (get receipt) – Lori Rudassil 6. Application is verified by Council within 48 hours Lori, &/or BettyLou applications scanned or a hard copy sent,no fax please Council informs unit representative and District Advancement Chairman that application is ready Board of Review is authorized 7. Unit representative picks up material 8. Board of Review arranged by Tequesta District Advancement Chairman – Jorge L. Montes or the other District Chairs respectively

16 12 Steps From Life to Eagle 9. Board of Review is held ( 2 nd Tuesday every Month at First United Methodist Church of Coral Gables corner of Coral way and Segovia street) 10.Board of Review Approval of project first meeting before project is started and Final Board of Review, to sign-off if the candidate is approved as an Eagle. 11. Eagle Scout Rank Application (form 512-728) note requirement #5, also document (Goals and Ambitions) for requirement #6 is taken to Council for processing and including the Advancement form 12. Application sent to National which verifies and authorizes award (6 weeks or less)

17 Soar as an EAGLE...

18 Requirement 1 Be Active Be active in your troop, team, or crew for a period of at least six months after you achieve the rank of Life Scout. Any six month period, not necessarily consecutive Use Troop standards for active as long as it is stated and known

19 Requirement 2 Live by Oath & Law Demonstrate that you live by the principles of the Scout Oath & Law in your daily life. Also tell how you have done your duty to God, and how your understanding of the Scout Oath & Law will guide your life in the future

20 Requirement 2 Live by Oath & Law This is not just Troop Spirit This is not just wearing the uniform This is about “everyday life” Do you abide by the principles of the Oath and Law? Ask individuals if you can list them as a reference for you Eagle Application. See if they will give you reference letters while they still may remember you.

21 Earning Eagle Scout Rank  Scout Spirit is an assessment of whether a Scout is living the Oath and Law.  Elements of Scout Spirit include:  Attendance at meetings and outings  Enthusiasm and positive attitude  Wearing appropriate uniform  Working effectively with younger Scouts  Demonstrating leadership  Being prepared  Ultimately, decision to recommend a Scout for Eagle rank will be based on evidence of Scout Spirit (this is a required)

22 Requirement 3 Earn 21 Merit Badges Earn a total of 21 merit badges (13 are Eagle required as follows:  First Aid  Citizenship in the Community  Citizenship in the Nation  Citizenship in the World  Communications  Cooking  Personal Fitness

23 Earn 21 Merit Badges, Continued...  Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving, *  Environmental Science or Sustainability, *  Personal Management  Swimming or Hiking or Cycling, *  Camping  Family Life * (You must choose only one of these merit badges. If you have earned more than one of the badges listed, choose one and list them as one of the remaining eight badges to make your total of 21)

24 Warning: Several merit badges require specific, extended periods of time to complete.  If the requirement says:  Meet with your counselor …  Keep records for three months …  You must meet with your counselor AT LEAST three months prior to your 18th birthday or you cannot complete the merit badge in time!  You cannot keep a record of your budget and spending for three months in only three weeks.  To ask anyone to backdate merit badge requirements because of poor planning would violate the principles of the BSA and could invalidate the Eagle rank presented as a result of that action. This would be a terrible example to set for other Scouts.

25 What About the Badges Our Troop Requires? No district, unit or individual has the authority to add to, or to subtract from, advancement requirements. Any eight additional merit badges means any eight additional merit badges for your total of 21 badges! In additions to your 21 you can, earn many more if you desire.

26 Merit badges must be... Approved in advance by the unit leader Earned with approved merit badge counselors Reported to Council by the Unit representative KEEP YOUR MERIT BADGE ADVANCEMENT CARDS - They are proof!

27 Merit Badges and Scouts with Disabilities There are special exceptions for Scouts with disabilities Contact the your District Advancement Chair for guidance

28 Requirement 4 Position of Responsibility While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of six months in one or more qualified positions of responsibility. List only those positions served after your Life board of review date.

29 Leadership Position  Elected or Scoutmaster assigned  Minimum of 6 months (one or more positions)  Must do the job – Not just wear the patch  Approved positions are for now:

30 Boy Scot Troop some Possible Eligible Positions Patrol leader Assistant senior patrol leader Senior patrol leader Troop guide Order of the Arrow troop representative Den chief Scribe Librarian Historian Quartermaster Junior assistant Scoutmaster Chaplain aide Instructor New ones are added

31 Varsity Scout Team Eligible Positions Captain Co-captain Program manager Squad leader Team secretary Order of the Arrow troop representative Librarian Historian Quartermaster Chaplain aide Instructor Den chief

32 Venturing Positions of Leadership President Vice-President Administration Vice-President Program Treasurer Secretary

33 Serve Actively in your Position of Responsibility... You will be asked to demonstrate that you have actually done your best to fill this position. It is not enough to merely be elected to the position You do not have to hold one position for six months You do not have to hold the position for six consecutive months You may meet this requirement any time while a Life Scout

34 Performance in the Position of Responsibility A Scout may not be held to an extraordinary standard of performance The standard of performance used to measure this requirement shall be the same as that applied to other Star, Life or Eagle Scout candidates

35 Performance in the Position of Responsibility Each unit shall have a clearly prescribed standard of performance that is known to each of its Scouts Otherwise, the Eagle candidate shall be presumed to have satisfactorily fulfilled this requirement Unit leaders may not expect any Scout to meet an undefined or unknown standard of performance

36 Requirement 5 Eagle Service Project While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. Much more on this later.

37 Requirement 6 Scoutmaster Conference Take part in a Scoutmaster conference with your unit leader A Scoutmaster conference is a positive experience, the objective of which is to help a Scout evaluate his accomplishments and set new goals A Scoutmaster conference may be conducted any time after achieving the rank of Life Scout. You do not need to wait until all 21 requirements for Eagle Scout have been completed, to get started on Eagle project

38 Scoutmaster Conference A Scoutmaster conference may be conducted at the request of an Eagle candidate, or be initiated by the unit leader When there is a reason to believe that an Eagle candidate will not be qualified to achieve the Eagle Scout award within the six month period prior to his eighteenth birthday, the unit leader is obligated to initiate a counseling session, on a timely basis, so as to give the Eagle candidate every reasonable opportunity to become qualified

39 What if I have a problem? Get HELP: 1. Talk to your Scoutmaster or Venture Crew Advisor 2. Talk to your Advancement Chairperson 3. Talk to your Troop Committee Chairperson 4. Talk to your District Advancement Chairperson

40 Having a Problem? What can I do if I am having a problem with my Scoutmaster or other adult leader?

41 Having a Problem? All Scouts have the right to appeal any decision If you think you are not being treated fairly or that you are being held to extraordinary standards, contact the district advancement chairperson or the district chairperson Do not delay, the more promptly problems can be resolved the better

42 Requirement 7 Board of Review 3 to 6 members over 21 years - 1 district or council member if a unit review Unanimous decision If the candidate is not approved then an appeal process is available

43 Keep your eye on your goal...

44 Requirement 5 again Eagle Service Project While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, school, or your community.

45 Start planning as soon as you reach Life rank … You may start planning your Eagle Scout Service Project just as soon after achieving the rank of Life Scout as is practical All work on your Eagle service project must be undertaken while you are a Life Scout and completed before your eighteenth birthday

46 Eagle Project Requirements 1. Significant effort 2. Measurable goals or defined objective 3. Thoughtfully planned and developed 4. Opportunity for you to give leadership to others 5. Performed for a qualified beneficiary

47 1. Your project must be a significant effort. A service normally rendered is not an acceptable for your Eagle service project There is no minimum or maximum number of volunteers, or hours of work, needed to carry out your Eagle service project The definition of significant effort will vary based on the candidate’s abilities and project selected

48 You must do your own project. A candidate may not use his participation in the service project of another Eagle candidate to satisfy the Eagle service project requirement You may not copy or otherwise share your responsibilities for planning, developing or providing leadership to others

49 2. Have Measurable Goals. You should measurably set forth the goal or define the objective of your Eagle service project Measurement helps show the significance of the effort Your goals will be used by the board of review to evaluate your project

50 3.Plan, Develop, Carry Out You are expected to "....plan, develop and give leadership to others...“ Determine what kinds and quantities of materials and/or supplies are needed Their costs and how they will be acquired, if tools are borrowed they also have a cost or value Keep inventory records and a log of work activities Manage the resources and, purposefully direct the project to its completion

51 What if things go wrong? Even the best planned activities sometimes need change. You will not necessarily be penalized if you had to vary from your plan. On the other hand, if your project did not substantially follow your plan. Then may not have you truly demonstrated the leadership skills expected of an Eagle Scout?

52 4. Opportunity to Show Leadership The board of review will expect your Eagle service project to be helpful and of significance to the beneficiary for whom it is undertaken It must have been sufficient to have demonstrated your leadership skills

53 Who can help? Other scouts, family, friends and classmates of any age or type may volunteer; they do not have to be scouts You should recruit, train, organize and schedule the personnel needed, to accomplish your project. This is true leadership.

54 What about adult supervision? An Eagle service project is not an official unit activity, therefore, neither adult supervision nor a local tour permit are required by Council. Yet for Eagle project, a Tour Plan is required so include in your Project book to be approved. Proper planning, however, includes preparing for appropriate adult participation and safety concerns.

55 5. A qualified beneficiary Service to others is an important philosophy for the Eagle service project. Therefore, your Eagle service project must be done outside of Scouting Projects can not be done for your troop, or the District You can do a project for your troop sponsor if it meets other requirements

56 5. A qualified beneficiary Your Eagle service project may not be performed for a business, or be of a commercial nature, or be a fund-raiser Fund raising is permitted only for the purpose of acquiring the materials and supplies needed to carry out your project. It is a part of some projects, but a fund raiser by itself, is not an Eagle project. Fundraising application are required, and no fund raising is permitted to start prior to an approved project. Note (Go fund me accounts etc.) must be approved by Council

57 Your Eagle service project may be performed for the benefit of any religious institution, any school or your community (defined in the World. A community organization is defined as any government agency, or an institution qualified, under Section 501(c)3 of the US Internal Revenue Code, as a not-for-profit charitable, educational or religious organization

58 What your Beneficiary wants Your Eagle service project must conform to the wishes of those for whom it is undertaken The detailed plan for your Eagle service project must be approved by and a signature obtained from a proper official of the beneficiary, before it is submitted to your Scoutmaster, troop committee or the district advancement committee

59 Eagle Leadership Service Project  Purpose is to demonstrate Leadership, work with others & complete a successful project  The project should test your skills and no minimum or maximum hours of combined are required. Project service hours are for all volunteers and hours worked on all parts of project, including you)  Must benefit community organization other than Boy Scouts  May NOT benefit a commercial business  May NOT be a “fundraiser”  Must be planned and carried out by one Scout, no joint projects  May take up to 6 months to complete - plan ahead!  May begin planning project immediately after passing Life Board of Review  (not necessary to earn all 21 merit badges first to start on Eagle project)

60 Eagle Leadership Service Project Plan  Meet with an adult advisor before doing much planning.  The project plan write up (see handout)  Must use official SFC Workbook to submit plan and final report  Approvals:  Scoutmaster / Project Advisor  Troop Committee  Organization served  District Advancement Committee Must have District approval BEFORE starting work! (To begin earlier could invalidate the entire project)

61 Sample Eagle Projects CHURCH, SCHOOLS, PARKS, CHARITABLE ORG.  Build benches, picnic tables  Landscape grounds,  Repair playground  Repair & clean out storage shed for church  Build newspaper re-cycling bins  Build, Repair, re-roof, landscape gazebo  Paint, repair school equipment  Technology system updates must be substantial

62 Source for Eagle Projects  Your own City, Town, County Church, Synagogue other religious organizations  Orphanages, homes for children, women, elderly, hospitals, other charitable organizations.  Schools, animal shelters, Park, Beaches  Just ask leaders they can help you select

63 Eagle Project Some examples

64 "Develop a ten mile Historical Trail to benefit the Historical Society of Deerfield Beach" This example is a worthy project because it is a significant effort, with a measurable goal and a defined objective, that requires thoughtful planning & development, provides an Eagle candidate with an adequate opportunity to provide leadership to others, and is undertaken for a qualified beneficiary.

65 "Develop a new hiking trail at BSA Camp Seminole" This example is not an acceptable project because it does not set forth a measurable goal, and is to be performed for an unqualified beneficiary

66 "Install 1,000 Sea Oat plants and rehabilitate the beaches of Hugh Taylor Birch State Park, from the effects of shoreline erosion" This example is a worthy project because it is a significant effort, with a measurable goal and a defined objective, that requires thoughtful planning & development, provides an Eagle candidate with an adequate opportunity to provide leadership to others, and is undertaken for a qualified beneficiary

67 "Clean up and remove the trash at Crandon Park" This example is not an acceptable project because it is not an extraordinary effort, does not set forth a measurable goal, requires no meaningful planning or development, and can be performed by an Eagle candidate without any need to give leadership to others

68 Use this Workbook to download then remove this Scouts Picture Introductions and Instructions. (We do not need to see this, it for your benefit, but it makes your file to big)… You may use the Eagle Service Project Workbook in meeting this requirement. SFC Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook Cover

69 Your Eagle Project Book Title Page & Contact Data

70 Workbook First Section and some simply basic ideas General Description New Workbook is very open ended just fill in the blanks. Benefit & Proposal Identify beneficiary Describe project, give Dates A & B, Show leadership Materials, Supplies & tools Permits and Permissions Preliminary Cost Estimate Phases, Logistic, & Safety

71 Workbook Sections Description of detail steps teams etc. Details Section B Must agree since only one approval date Ensure Safety Speech is printed out in detail Schedule of time and Details of phases/work days. Alt. leader for you if you get sick. Contingency Plans Diagram and drawings if possible are a great tool that helps.

72 Workbook Sections Cont. with details Section “A” General Ideas and Description Sample of some sections must agree with details cost in Section “B” (Materials, supplies, tools, & other Section “B” Details Steps by step details Details of all materials Detail Project Phases/teams

73 Workbook Sections More Details Continue Shows leadership of Material, time, labor & other Service Project final Results after completed Describe results, changes Show logs of your efforts What happened any issues

74 Document Project Hours (how to get total hours by multiplying (time x all individuals), this includes all times.

75 Workbook Signature Page Before you can start the Eagle project following must sign: Scoutmaster Beneficiary Troop Committee Chair District Advancement Chair After the project is completed Only you sign

76 Complete the Eagle Award Application Fill it out completely List references as requested Be sure all dates are correct Include unit numbers for merit badges List only 21 merit badges Complete and sign the back side Attach to your project workbook, copies of emails, meetings, phone calls, sales receipts, & sign-in sheets (may be needed for extensions or appeals).

77 Your Life Ambitions (this is a requirment) Attach to your Eagle Scout Award Application a statement of your ambitions and life purpose and a listing of positions held in your religious institution, school, camp, community or other organizations during which you demonstrated leadership skills. Include any honors and awards received during this service.

78 Board of Review  Scheduled after all requirements complete and Council verifies records.  Conducted by Tequesta District Advancement Committee  District Advancement Committee checks references  Scoutmaster or Asst. Scoutmaster will introduce Scout  Eagle date of rank is date Board of Review is Approved  Important if earning Eagle Palms  Scout should be in full class “A” Scout uniform (not modified class A)  It is not a retest of knowledge or skills  However, should know the Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan and be ready to discuss how you live by them.  Be prepared!  Scouts can request a troop level Board of Review  May help them prepare for the District Review

79 Tequesta District Advancement Chair  Mr. Jorge L. Montes   (305) 559-2140 Home  (305) 992-2140 Cell

80 District Eagle Boards & Project Reviews  First United Methodist Church of Coral Gables  Corner of Coral Way & Segovia  Second Tuesday of each month

81 Eagle Application Process  Complete all requirements  Write project final report (not hand written)  You should be ready for College so (be prepared)  Complete Eagle Scout Application  Submit Application & Project Final Report to: Troop Committee & Scoutmaster  Conduct a Scoutmaster Conference  Council verifies Scouts records  Returned to District for Board of Review  Conduct Board of Review  Council approval  National approval  Conduct Court of Honor

82 Eagles are always alert to what is happening...

83 The Dreaded 18Th Birthday Problem

84 If You Are 17 PAY ATTENTION

85 Your 18th Birthday!! Most people receive about 18 years advanced warning of the date on which they will turn 18. It is not an emergency or an unexpected event. You know the date.

86 You Must Do the Following BEFORE Your 18Th Birthday: Complete all your merit badges Complete your Eagle Service Project Complete your Scoutmaster conference Be active as a Life Scout for six months Serve actively in a position of responsibility for six months while a Life Scout

87 You CAN DO the Following AFTER Your 18Th Birthday. Submit your final Eagle Scout Application Have your Eagle Scout Board of Review Have your Eagle Court of Honor

88 Can I Get a Time Extension to Complete My Eagle?

89 Can I Get an Extension? You may file a petition in writing for special permission to continue to work toward the award after reaching age 18 But...

90 Extensions... The petition must show good and sufficient evidence and detail extenuating circumstances Extenuating circumstances are defined as conditions or situations that are totally beyond the control of the Scout or Explorer

91 If You Are Almost 18... Work hard to complete your requirements Talk to your leaders NOW so that they can help you and warn you of problems Remember that adult leaders have busy lives. Don’t ask a leader to give up a vacation because you forgot your 18th birthday Know your deadlines in advance

92 In summary...

93 Your GOAL is.. …to soar as an Eagle

94 Keep your eye on your goal...

95 Accomplish your goal...

96 Plan Ahead and You Will Soar as an EAGLE...

97 Remember! Eagle rank is more than just 21 merit badges & a project! The primary emphasis is LEADERSHIP!

98 A Final Reminder  On achieving the rank of Eagle Scout  You now have a responsibility to give back to Scouting all that it has given you  This is not the end of the road but the beginning  You must now be a mentor and example for all those Scouts looking up to you to reach where you have  “Once an Eagle Scout, Always an Eagle Scout.”

99 Eagle Court of Honor  Special ceremony to recognize only Eagle Scout(s)  Conducted only after National approval  4-6 weeks after Board of Review  Planned and carried out by Troop and Parents  There is no required format -- we will tailor to please Scouts and parents  Some items to consider:  Who to invite - up to the family  Date and time to accommodate schedule of special guests  Reserve location  Reception decorations & refreshments - family responsibility  Letters from public officials - family’s choice but needs to be requested two months in advance  Photo album of Scouting career at reception and other memorabilia

100 Eagle%20Scouts/Eagle%20Scouts.htm /02-516.aspx websites - other sources of advice to help you

101 Discussion and Questions


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