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TCSG at Wiregrass Transforming Educator Preparation Grant TCSG at Wiregrass Transforming Educator Preparation Grant.

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1 TCSG at Wiregrass Transforming Educator Preparation Grant TCSG at Wiregrass Transforming Educator Preparation Grant

2 Collaborating Partners  Wiregrass Georgia Technical College  Technical College System of Georgia  Coffee County School System  Georgia Christian Academy  Lowndes County School System TCSG at Wiregrass GaTAPP Program

3 GaNTEP Focus Goal Continue implementation work for edTPA and design specific strategies for how edTPA will be used by the EPP to examine program effectiveness as well as how the EPP will work with partners to use edTPA data to examine candidate readiness to teach including designing induction support for early career teachers built on edTPA data. TCSG at Wiregrass GaTAPP Program

4 Our Past Experience  Non-traditional program (GaTAPP)  FY2013-2014 was the first year of program with a cohort of seven candidates  FY2014-2015 was the first pilot year of edTPA; cohort of eight candidates TCSG at Wiregrass GaTAPP Program

5 Team Developed Goals  Identify an edTPA coordinator to coordinate all efforts in preparing candidates for edTPA  Provide more seminars to include academic language, teacher commentary, technical writing, and teacher reflection  To train faculty mentors in the various schools systems where candidates are employed  To provide local feedback and training for our candidates to best prepare them for success with edTPA by the edTPA Coordinator  To use the data from completed edTPA assessments to strengthen and revise curriculum for candidates of FY2015-2016

6 Implementation Steps Saturday Seminar curriculum was redeveloped to include academic language, teacher commentary, technical writing, and teacher reflection. Teacher reflection was evaluated to ensure the candidates focused on improving student learning. Guest presented edTPA workshop. TCSG at Wiregrass GaTAPP Program

7 Implementation Steps Coordinator and a supervisor designed additional strategies for preparing students for edTPA and worked with faculty and mentors to incorporate edTPA best practices. Faculty mentors in the various schools systems where candidates are employed were trained on the requirements of edTPA. TCSG at Wiregrass GaTAPP Program

8 Implementation Steps Local evaluation was conducted to further understand scoring alignment. Technology training for the candidates was held to ensure technology is not a hindrance to successful completion of edTPA. Kindles purchased to enable candidates to continuously video classroom. TCSG at Wiregrass GaTAPP Program

9 Positive Results Greater understanding of edTPA for faculty and supervisors edTPA awareness of P-12 partners Better trained mentors No technology, or any codes, on any submissions All eight candidates surpassed the national range TCSG at Wiregrass GaTAPP Program

10 To Keep or not to Keep Most strategies will be continued Moved the mentor training to the beginning of the year Allow more time to submit reflection Add an additional focus on student use of language Separate edTPA workshops for SpEd TCSG at Wiregrass GaTAPP Program

11 Questions & Answers Questions & Answers

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