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Support Raising Overview. What Does “Support Raising” Mean? Yes, it is raising money to cover your trip But….. You Are Also Raising: 1.Prayer Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Support Raising Overview. What Does “Support Raising” Mean? Yes, it is raising money to cover your trip But….. You Are Also Raising: 1.Prayer Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support Raising Overview

2 What Does “Support Raising” Mean? Yes, it is raising money to cover your trip But….. You Are Also Raising: 1.Prayer Support 2.Emotional Support 3.Spiritual Support

3 Why Raise Support? We Want You to be SENT Support Raising: – Fosters Dependence on God – Allows Others to Participate in God’s Plan – Allows Us to Multiply the Work of God Through Support Raising, We Can Begin to Test God’s Call on Our Lives

4 Is Support Raising Biblical? Old Testament Examples: a)Moses (Ex. 35:4-5, 21, 29) i.One of the 1 st examples in Scripture b)Israelite Priests (Num. 18:8, 21, 23, 24) i.Did not work outside the Temple ii.Received “rightful dues” from portions of offerings c)David (I Chron 29:6-9) i.Raised funds for temple Solomon built ii.Gave of his own resources

5 Is Support Raising Biblical New Testament Examples: a)Jesus i.Instructed disciples to depend on others for needs (Matt. 10:8-10) b)Paul i.Gal 6:6, 2 Cor 11:7-9, 2 Cor 9:5-8 c)John i.2 John 5-8

6 What Does This Mean for Us? We are not faithless when we involve others in the process We make the need known & then we invite others to be part of the mission All of our needs are met by God – But, we Cannot limit God We should be willing to support others in their ministries

7 How Do We Actually Raise Support? 1.Namestorm 2.Send a letter 3.Send a “thank-you” **Cover each step with a whole lot of prayer**

8 Namestorming Think “brainstorm” except with names of people Parents Aunts Uncles Former Employers Friends Friends’ Parents Bankers Parents’ Friends High School Teachers Dentist Doctor

9 Write a Letter What to Write? – We’ve given you a letter to use so just add some of your personal info Password is: RaiseSupport2014 What to Include? – Your letter – h2o return envelope – Giving slip

10 Send the “Thank You” When you receive a gift, send a thank-you Keep track of who you’ve thanked & who you haven’t Steps for Writing the Thank You – Hand write the note – Include something personal

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