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Beginning the Process of Induction into the Order of the Arrow.

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2 Beginning the Process of Induction into the Order of the Arrow

3 The first purpose of the Order of the Arrow is: “To recognize those campers – Scouts and Scouters – who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and by such recognition cause other campers to conduct themselves in such a manner as to warrant recognition.” The Induction is the Order of the Arrow’s method for accomplishing this Purpose.

4 The right to earn Ordeal membership is given only by the Scouts of a candidate’s home unit during an authorized Order of the Arrow unit election. Only the candidate can overrule their decision. The candidate’s election presents him with the opportunity to renew and deepen his commitment to Scouting values and principles. The Lodge cannot take that opportunity away.

5 Every unit with eligible Scouts should hold an annual Order of the Arrow election to recognize its honor campers. However, one cannot demand that a unit hold an OA election. So… it can be a matter of convincing the unit leader and demonstrating the value of Order of the Arrow to the Scouts. Once elected, a candidate has already received the necessary approval to accept membership in the Order of the Arrow by the Scouts in his troop or team.

6  Unit has never had an election and does not know what you are talking about  Never were contacted by an election team  Election team did not follow up  Not enough lead time for an election  Don’t have any eligible Scouts right now  Myth that LDS Scouts aren’t interested in the OA  Scouts are “too busy”

7 Unit Leader does not understand what an Election is…. or what the Order is….. If you can’t explain it get some help CChapter Adviser AAdult OA members from their unit or know the leader LLodge Officers or Advisers Unit Elections are TOO IMPORTANT to the continued health and growth of our Lodge… DON’T GIVE UP.

8 Who is Eligible?  Adults under 21 and all Scouts must have achieved the First Class rank or higher.  All members must have experienced at least 15 nights of Boy Scout camping within the past two calendar years, including one, but no more than one, long term camp of 5 or 6 nights. The remaining 9 or 10 nights must consist of overnight, weekend or other short-term camping.  ½ the ACTIVE registered members of the unit are present at election.  NO proxy votes

9  Each Scout can vote for as many Scouts as they think are worthy NOT JUST ONE.  Explain the difference between “Turning in a blank ballot vs. Not turning in a ballot”  If you don’t know the candidates well enough to vote wisely, you may choose to not turn in a ballot at all; this will not affect the final results.  A blank ballot turned in is a “no vote” for all eligible Scouts  Go over the reasons to vote for someone… don’t rely on the video to cover this part.  Who have set the best example of brotherhood, cheerfulness and service.  Who will continue in unselfish service to your troop or team

10  Show the Video “Training the Election Team”  Role play a unit Election  Setup an online document to track election information UnitLeaderPhone#Election Date Meeting Location Team Leader Member #2 Member #3 Elected Youth 711Joe Scouter503-228- 5151 Jan 21 Cloverdale Community Hall Kenneth Arrowman Jeff Hoffman Bradon Lewis3 291Dave Cooper360-456- 8891 Feb 3 rd Amboy Grade School Mark GastonBrian ShadeJohn Google

11  Most Units use Troopmaster Software. Ask the unit leader to bring the “OA Eligibility Report” and prepare ballots with Scouts names.  Have paperwork completely filled out by person with legible handwriting and have the unit leader sign the form.  Send the election results electronically immediately to

12 Ask units to announce election results the night of the election and here’s why  It’s not fair to string the Candidate out  Get information about the upcoming Ordeals at the election  Give families time to select an Ordeal date, register and get it on the family calendar  Camporee call outs are too late to give time to register for Ordeals, and hard for non-Candidates to be disappointed. If the unit leader really, really, REALLY does not want to announce at the election…  Have them notify the Parents, so they can plan for an Ordeal.  Ask the unit to announce before the Camporee Call out. Most Camporee’s are just before the Ordeals.

13  Have an election training at a Chapter meeting  Make contact with the units early  Select the Election teams early; get new members involved  Have a tracking system for your chapter  Confirm date/time/place with each unit leader during the week before election  Need the “eligible list” and roster information  Equipment to show video  Election Team wears full uniform and sash

14  Adult Candidates are recommended by Unit Committees of Units that elect at least one youth. They will not have this process done the night of the election  The election team should leave the unit leaders an Adult nomination form with the unit leadership. The form is also available on the Lodge website so it can be filled out and emailed by the unit. Electronic forms will be emailed to Chapter Advisers for approval.

15  All Adults meet the same camping requirements as youth  Ability to perform the necessary functions to help the Order fulfill its purpose and is not for recognition of service.  Adults nominated can be no more the 1/3 the number of youths elected, rounded up where the number of youth is not a multiple of 3.  In addition: The unit leader with 12 months of service can be nominated. Must meet camping requirement. 

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