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Progress and hold-ups in CarboEurope intercomparison activities News on sausages, grapefruits, cucumbers Armin Jordan Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress and hold-ups in CarboEurope intercomparison activities News on sausages, grapefruits, cucumbers Armin Jordan Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress and hold-ups in CarboEurope intercomparison activities News on sausages, grapefruits, cucumbers Armin Jordan Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry 07701 Jena, Germany

2 Main goals assure comparability of atmospheric data so that these can be merged more confidently identify, quantify, and reduce, calibration scale offsets detect concentration dependent deviations indicator for malfunctioning of analytical systems flask data and continuous data

3 Sausage Flask Intercomparison (1)

4 Sausage Flask Intercomparison (2)

5 Sausage Flask Intercomparison (3)

6 BUT….. Not yet useful as tool for detection of problems in near time because of delayed data sumission / wrong data format delayed / incomplete web updates inadequate quality check of submitted data by participants for many species offsets are documented but not reduced modification of web presentation pending for over 1 year

7 Grapefruit Flask Intercomparison (1) double frequency of intercomparison all labs compare identical sample from the same flask → check of sausages

8 Grapefruit Flask Intercomparison (2)

9 Cucumbers (1)

10 Cucumbers (2)

11 Cucumbers (3) News since Crete 2006 meeting: 1.New cylinders have been purchased with DIN 14 valves instead of CGA590 2.Cylinders have been filled and spiked in Jena 3.Storage test indicate stability of mixtures 4.Boxes have foam housing for regulators 5.All pressure regulators equipped with New DIN 14 connectors Plugs on both ends inlet filters outlet quick connect couplings

12 Pressure regulators still weak part of the system: DIN14 connection has not made the system more robust: PCTFE sealing gaskets broke (four types tested) (loss of ¼ cylinder filling) regulators to be handled with great care first stage membrane broken with 3 regulators

13 Field site test Standard gas Air intake Flow control Open Tedlar bag Field instrumentation

14 Field site test Flasksampler test in the lab OXK tower 23 m line test with flask sampler OXK tower 23 m line GC test

15 O 2 /N 2 comparability: harmonizing the scale (MPI)

16 O 2 /N 2 comparability: harmonizing the scale (UBern)

17 O 2 /N 2 comparability: harmonizing the scale (CIO)

18 O 2 /N 2 field sample flask intercomparison

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