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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)  various forms of operative procedures performed on the external female genitalia for non medical reasons  140 Mio. women.

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Presentation on theme: "Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)  various forms of operative procedures performed on the external female genitalia for non medical reasons  140 Mio. women."— Presentation transcript:

1 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)  various forms of operative procedures performed on the external female genitalia for non medical reasons  140 Mio. women and girls affected worldwide  Mostly practiced in 28 countries in Africa  Through immigration also issue in North America, Europe Deeply anchored social convention. Strong convictions why it has to be done. International conventions National efforts in prevalence countries

2 FGM and GDC  end of the 1990s: BMZ got involved  issue in the political dialogue with partner countries  KfW, GTZ, DED engaged with their respective instruments  currently activities in 9 partner countries

3 Further information KfW Entwicklungsbank Sector and Policy Division Health, Education and Social Protection Attn: Annette Gabriel E-mail: GTZ supra regional and sector project „Ending Female Genital Mutilation Department Sahel/Westafrica DED

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