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Not Conducting Active I/R Transporting students to and from Supervising students during bus duty Supervising Lunch and recess duty The Recruiter is not.

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Presentation on theme: "Not Conducting Active I/R Transporting students to and from Supervising students during bus duty Supervising Lunch and recess duty The Recruiter is not."— Presentation transcript:


2 Not Conducting Active I/R Transporting students to and from Supervising students during bus duty Supervising Lunch and recess duty The Recruiter is not a RECEPTIONIST

3 Checking on school attendance Completing lunch forms on students The MEP Recruiter is not a PARAPROFESSIONAL Interpreting at parent and teacher conferences Translating – paperwork and material IEP- Translating and Interpreting of meeting

4 Conducting Active I/R Completing the COE Surveying your district Calling families for home appointments I/R Completing COE Revalidation Contacting Employers Printing & Reviewing MSIS reports

5 Google searching and visiting migrant housing in your district Distributing MEP material in the community Visiting ESL/ABE classes and talk about the MEP program Visiting your local WorkSource meetings I/R at the local job fairs Visiting Preschools

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