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NEDA collaboration meeting Neutron and light charged particle detector-arrays as complementary detectors for the future European large gamma-arrays AGATA,

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Presentation on theme: "NEDA collaboration meeting Neutron and light charged particle detector-arrays as complementary detectors for the future European large gamma-arrays AGATA,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NEDA collaboration meeting Neutron and light charged particle detector-arrays as complementary detectors for the future European large gamma-arrays AGATA, EXOGAM2 and PARIS. IFIC - Instituto de Física Corpuscular Valencia (Spain) 3-5 November 2010 PROMETEO 2010

2 AGATA / EXOGAM2 and the Complementary Instrumentation

3 AGATA and Other Detectors (standard electronics) Other VME GTS supervisor Event Builder PSA Pre-processing Other Readout Digitizer Tracking Online analysis Storage GTS local Other Analogue prompt trigger REQ VAL REQ VAL Ancillary Merge Pre-processing Trigger AGAVA IFJ-PAN NARVAL DAQ IPN-Orsay, CSNSM-Orsay INFN-LNL,GANIL, IFJ-PAN-Crakow Advanced Data Flow system developed in ADA

4 M. Bellato, L. Berti, J. Chavas, INFN-Pd and LNL Global Processor: Sequential Batcher Sorting + Multiplicity Processing

5 Analogue vs Digital Electronics Detector (Germanium) Detector (Germanium) Shaping Amplifier CFD DAQ E t FADC MWD DCFD Filters DAQ E t ADC TDC PSA Tracking E t x,y,z E t Standard Arrays AGATA SegmentDetectorArray Detector (Germanium) Detector (Germanium)

6 NEDA Front-End Electronics Basis: Digital Electronics to benefit from the full pipelined modes of AGATA and EXOGAM2 Decided to use a common platform with EXOGAM2 development to benefit from synergies. EXOGAM2 carrier + NEDA mezzanine Digitizer Require full data transfer if complex discrimination algorithms and timing are used (Optical link). Is optional in the EXOGAM2 design. Urgent to define the specifications of the Digitizer Module to match the EXOGAM2 design and firmware (as close as possible)

7 Contributions: Damiano Bortolato: ReadoutSystem for GALIELO/AGATA. Michel Tripon: EXOGAM2 instrumentation, status and synergy with NEDA Piotr Bednarczyk: Electronics for PARIS-basic considerations

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