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D IGITAL M EDIA A July 2010.

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1 D IGITAL M EDIA A NALYTICS @pasupuleti July 2010

2 D AY ’ S S PEAKER : C HAITANYA K UMAR P ASUPULETI  A passionate Analyst by profession,  Completed, Masters in Business Administration from Osmani University  3+ Yrs experience in Digital Marketing and currently working with Hewlett – Packard as Business Analyst  Very much alive on all social media platforms Twitter: @pasupuleti Face book: Chaitanya Pasupuleti Mobile: 7760877984

3 A NALYTICS T HE B IG P ICTURE Data Collection Data Cleaning /organizing Data Analysis Publishing Results Lot of tools available in market, doing a decent Job Tools/Human Interface based on organization requirement Mostly Human Interface Dashboard KPI’s etc In simple words; It’s a process of arriving at an optimal and realistic decision based on existing data Gone are the days when managers take decisions based on experience and instincts, we are in an era where every decision taken, is backed by Data.

4 D IGITAL M EDIA A NALYTICS – A NSWERS TO LOOK FOR  Who are my visitors? (Browsers, demographics etc)  Where do they come From? (Traffic Sources/Channels)  Does my website content appealing enough to visitors? (Time on site and No of pages)  How much do I earn Online? (Conversions/Goals)  What are customers talking about my brand online? (Tone/sentiment Analysis)  How successful are my online campaign efforts? (Campaign Tracking)

5 D IGITAL M EDIA A NALYTICS – W HICH S TREAM D O YOU B ELONG ? Online Media Analytics Web Analytics Email Analytics Mobile Analytics Social Media Analytics Search Analytics

6 S EARCH A NALYTICS Search analytics is the analysis and aggregation of search engine statistics for use in search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO). In other words, search analytics helps website owners understand and improve their performance on search engines. Search analytics includes  search volume trends and analysis,  reverse searching (entering websites to see their keywords),  keyword monitoring,  advertisement spending statistics,  website comparisons,  affiliate marketing statistics,  multivariate ad testing, et al.

7 W EB A NALYTICS Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. There are two categories of web analytics; off-site and on-site web analytics. Off-site web analytics refers to web measurement and analysis regardless of whether you own or maintain a website. It includes the measurement of a website's potential audience (opportunity), share of voice (visibility), and buzz (comments) that is happening on the Internet as a whole. On-site web analytics measure a visitor's journey once on your website. This includes its drivers and conversions

8 A NALYTIC T OOL ’ S O VERVIEW Search Analytics Keyword Spy Google insights Google Trends Spy Fu Google Analytics There are lot more tools available online Web Analytics Google Analytics Omniture Web trends Etc.. Email Analytics No specific tool available but, service providers provide most of metrics Social Media Analytics Radian 6 SM2 ZetaBuzz Brand Watch 360 degress Etc… Mobile Analytics Still an emerging market no, specific industry player identified

9 ? @Pasupuleti

10 Mobile, SM and Email Analytics To be cont……………. @Pasupuleti

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