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How did the African-American Civil Rights movement affect the development of other movements based on asserting the rights of different groups in American.

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Presentation on theme: "How did the African-American Civil Rights movement affect the development of other movements based on asserting the rights of different groups in American."— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the African-American Civil Rights movement affect the development of other movements based on asserting the rights of different groups in American society?



4 Nation of Islam Established in Detroit in 1930; Elijah Muhammad leader 1934-1975 Goals to improve the spiritual, mental, social, and economic condition of African Americans in the United States and all of humanity Malcolm X joined ~ 1950 - 1964 Elijah Muhammad

5 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Founded 1960 at Shaw University in NC to coordinate sit-ins at lunch counters



8 SNCC initially non-violent 1966 Stokely Carmichael took over the organization – more radical; called for “Black Power”

9 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) organized Freedom Rides from the North to the South to desegregate bus stations and facilities in the South 1961 Met with resistance and violence



12 President Kennedy proposes Civil Rights legislation


14 1964 Freedom Summer aka Mississippi Summer Project SNCC Organized by SNCC to register voters in Mississippi

15 After Freedom Summer….

16 Black Panther Party for Self-defense organized 1966 in California; Huey Newton, Bobby Seale Stokely Carmichael “Black Power” and “Black is beautiful”… Afro style gains popularity


18 Philadelphia Plan 1969 (Nixon President) Required construction unions to est timetables for hiring minority applicants for government sponsored jobs

19 Protest movements of the 1960s: Vietnam War, the marginal political/economic status of non-whites, Exclusion of women and other minorities from opportunity, Bureaucracy and impersonality of American education and political institutions

20 Stokely Carmichael… Black is Beautiful Black Power led to… Yellow Power

21 AIM and Alcatraz 1969 Wounded Knee 1973

22 Cesar Chavez Dolores Huerta United Farm Workers formed 1962 Bilingual Education Act 1968

23 Stonewall Inn Riot 1969 Gay Power

24 NOW formed 1966 Princeton, Yale admit women – 1969 Women’s liberation march, Washington, DC - 1970

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