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KSC Ground Operations Timeline. KSC CGSE TIM A Technical Interchange Meeting regarding the Cryo Ground Support Equipment was held at KSC November 1 st.

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Presentation on theme: "KSC Ground Operations Timeline. KSC CGSE TIM A Technical Interchange Meeting regarding the Cryo Ground Support Equipment was held at KSC November 1 st."— Presentation transcript:

1 KSC Ground Operations Timeline

2 KSC CGSE TIM A Technical Interchange Meeting regarding the Cryo Ground Support Equipment was held at KSC November 1 st through 3 rd, 2006 Numerous items were discussed and clarified including: –Both Off-line and On-line activities will be performed in the SSPF –Generation of preliminary timeline for KSC Ground Operations

3 Off-line Processing Overview of Off-line processing: –Unpack, –Mate upper/lower USS –Install EVA Interface Panel –Attach grapple fixtures and EVA handrails –Install Umbilical Mechanism Assembly (UMA) –Install Remotely Operated Electrical Umbilical (ROEU) and foldable arm –Cryo top-off (Restricted access/no integration activities) –Magnet Checkout –Avionics Systems checkout –Perform EBCS alignment w/ Lower USS

4 On-line Processing Overview of On-line processing (ISS Interfaces): –Installation into Cargo Element Work Station (CEWS) with 12 degree tilt –Mate ACASS to Payload Attach System (PAS) UMA active half to passive UMA (verify alignment) –Validate interfaces (command, telemetry, power) with Payload Rack Checkout Unit (PRCU)

5 STS Interfaces Shuttle Interface verification will need to be performed during the End to End test on the Pad –Facilities for checkout in SSPF have been being disassembled for some time –This includes all verification through ROEU

6 Initial Processing On-Dock at SSPF (L-14 weeks) Off-line ProcessingOn-line Processing L-10 weeksL-7 weeks L-49 days Canister loading Move to Canister w/ other Cargo Move to Vertical Processing Facility L-32 days

7 Processing Flow Vertical Processing Facility (VPF)

8 L-32 days L-30 days AMS in canister at VPF, Rotate Vertically, and Transfer to PCR STS Rollout to PAD and verification L-27 days L-24 days Weekend AMS Install Into PLB Weekend AMS Nominal Ground Ops (2000W via PDS, 500-1000W to Vent Pump 1553 (C&C) + RS422) L-20 days S0024 Hazardous Prop Load AMS Power-down Weekend AMS Power-up AMS Nominal Ground Ops L-13 days L-6 days SFHe Top-off L-88 hours Weekend SFHe Top-off Complete L-80 hrs Cryo GSE Disconnected And removed (Clear PCR for PLBD Close) AMS Nominal Ground Ops L-30 min AMS to minimum Power (Monitor SFHe Status only, Cryocoolers/ Vacuum Pump off) L-9 min AMS Power-off L-9 days Ordinance Install (AMS powered) L/O Pre-launch Activity AMS End to End Test

9 Scrub Turnaround Planned Launch (L 1 ) L+1 hour (we may do Better) T0 Power On AMS Nominal Ground Ops Vacuum Pump and Cryocoolers On L/O L 1 +24 hr L-30 min L 1 + 23.5 hr (estimated) AMS to minimum Power (Monitor SFHe Status only, Cryocoolers/ Vacuum Pump off) L-9 min AMS Power-off This scenario can be repeated up to 96 hours from first launch attempt (L 1 ) Typically, a maximum of four launch attempts are made prior to re-servicing, so one day may be maintained At AMS Nominal Ops without attempting a launch.

10 Scrub Turnaround (Recycle) De-Tank the Shuttle TSTS T S + 1 hr AMS Power Cryocoolers and Vacuum Pump on T S + 2 days PLBD Open T S + 2 days 8 hr PCR Access, Attach Cryo GSE And perform Top-off T S + 9 days L-88 hours Return to Pre-launch Activity Timeline

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