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Introducing Biodynamics on organic farms and gardens

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1 Introducing Biodynamics on organic farms and gardens
Describe grant briefly. Talk about the concept of a food shed and benefits to consumers.A foodshed is analogous to a watershed in that foodsheds outline the flow of food feeding a particular population, whereas watersheds outline the flow of water draining to a particular location. An educational series for farmers, gardeners, consumers “Implementing Demeter LOCAL in Western Colorado” a grant made possible by Colorado Farm Development Initiative Spring/Summer 2015 Serving Western Colorado Contributing Organizations: Valley Organic Growers Association Demeter USA Josephine Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics, Inc. thanks to all the farmers, gardeners, and eaters!

2 What is Biodynamics? Biodynamics is a spiritual- ethical-ecological approach to agriculture, gardens, food production and nutrition. Biodynamics was first developed in the early 1920s based on the spiritual insights and practical suggestions of the Austrian writer, educator and social activist Dr. Rudolf Steiner ( ), whose philosophy is called “anthroposophy.” Biodynamic farmers strive to create a diversified, balanced farm ecosystem that generates health and fertility as much as possible from within the farm itself. query the participants about their prior knowledge of BD. Anthroposophy definition: I t c e r t a i n l y i s a fact t h a t mo s t p e o p l e k n o w i n w a r d l y , e v e n though they could never prove it to anybody else, that there is a Spiritual World, a world of objective realities in the realm of thought,feeling and will. They“sense”the inter weaving between this creative world and the world of outer, tangible phenomena. They may well have wondered why it should not be possible to study this “inner” world just as carefully, without inner bias and prejudgment, as the true and dedicated natural scientist studies the sense world around him.

3 Three Basic Principles
The farm as an organism The influence of the wider Cosmos upon all life Preparations made from fermented manure, minerals and herbs Compare and contrast from Organic Agriculture

4 Quote: lecture 2 ag course: Now a farm come closest to its own essence when it can be conceived of as a kind of independent individuality, a self- contained entity. In reality, every farm ought to aspire to this state of being a self-contained individuality. The Farm Organism



7 Steiner suggests: “We have to commit ourselves to a much broader way of looking at the life of plants and animals, and also at the life of the earth itself. We must widen our outlook to include the cosmos. The Wider Cosmos

8 Preparations made from fermented manure and herbs
Emphasize the use of herbs that have a medicinal value, know outside of BD, the life force inherent in manure, the information contained in silica. Preparations made from fermented manure and herbs

9 Introduce terms of regenerative vs sustainable, inquire into the appetite for connection to purpose, spirituality and integration of food as more than a substance, a life force. Why Biodynamics?

10 Regenerative vs sustainable
Biodynamic agriculture REQUIRES integrated, holistic management of a farm’s eco-system The loops of generation, utilization, and regeneration of elements of fertility are self contained

11 Biodynamic or organic? Imported fertilizers and feeds are kept to a minimum, and this contributes both to the ecological health of the farm and the development of a true farm “individuality” that is a coherent whole.

12 Systems production or ecosystem creation?
Biodynamics is based on a view of nature as a living, self -sustaining organism that unites biological and spiritual elements

13 Philosophic Foundations
Steiner and anthroposophy Biodynamics was developed in central Europe in the early 1920s by the Austrian philosopher and social reformer Rudolf Steiner; it is now practiced on more than 350,000 acres of farmland in 47 countries. Steiner was one of the pioneers of the organic farming movement, and biodynamics is considered by many to be the most advanced and holistic form of farming and gardening on the planet. Steiner’s insights have also led to innovative movements in a number of other fields such as education (Waldorf Schools), medicine, finance and social therapy. Geocentric View Another unique aspect of biodynamic agriculture is the attention paid to the influences and rhythms of the sun, moon and planets. Just as the moon creates the tides in our oceans, each of these celestial bodies has subtle influences on the growth and development of plants and animals. Based on Steiner’s insights and subsequent research, a number of biodynamic calendars have been developed that offer indications for optimal times for sowing, cultivating and harvesting, based on the cyclical changes in the positions of the celestial bodies in relation to the earth. Human Community The aim to create associative economic relationships between farms and consumers sparked the CSA movement, which originated with biodynamic farms and has now been taken up by more than 6,000 farms in the United States. Many biodynamic practitioners also work in creative partnerships with other farms and with schools, medical and wellness facilities, restaurants, hotels, homes for social therapy and other community-based organizations. Thun’s research basis for calendar, CSA as benefit for community connection to agriculture, our food source and each other.

14 Getting Started as an eater
Take a class Use a planting calendar Use the preparations Visit a biodynamic farm Read about it Source and eat biodynamically grown food

15 Getting started as a farmer
Locate another Biodynamic farmer in your area Attend a class Consider a consult from a peer certifier Learn about Demeter LOCAL Farm Standards

16 Biodynamic considerations
Cost per acre of fertility management Quality of food Soil health Water consumption Cost per acre depends upon on farm fertility management. the more on farm, cheaper per acre. Preparations per acre at minimum twice per year application= approximately $25/acre for pfeiffer, $20 per acre for compost preparations, spray preparations. labor not included. Decrease costs in petrochemical fertilizers and frequency of application. Costs to soil erosion and depletion for conventional not calculated. Costs for transition from organic to BD are reduced after transition. Food quality in demand. Large corporations who are interested; Amy’s Kitchen, Whole Foods,Lundberg Rice, Smuckers, Traditional Medicinal tea. Food quality research increased flavinoids, antioxidants, phenols, improved health indices: Bp and T cell activity Soil Health: Example of Horsetail and beneficial fungal and bacterial orgs increasing with usage. Research compost, horn manure nitrate and slower composting rates, increased fatty acids and dehydrogenase enzymatic activity

17 Demeter LOCAL A peer to peer biodynamic education and certification program
The goals of Demeter LOCAL are to encourage biodynamic farming and certification, and to promote the growth of regional biodynamic food sheds Farm’s biodynamic production sold within a 200 mile radius Uses the US Demeter farm standard which outlines 7 core principles Three components to certification - Farmer - Reviews, understands and supports the Demeter Farm Standard Demeter Local Chapter - Defines geographic boundary, oversees and chooses farm evaluators, facilitates farm visits, provides education Demeter office - Approves geographic boundaries, provides educational materials, approves farm evaluators, makes final certification decisions

18 Demeter LOCAL Policies and Procedures
A local Group is formed consisting of farmers, apprentices consumers, and educators Farm evaluators are identified and make farm visits to assess educational needs and provide guidance to make farm improvements based on Demeter Farm Standard Checklists are provided and completed using two evaluators. Data is submitted to Demeter for certification




















38 Looking ahead Contacts
Pat Frazier - Peace and Plenty Farm Lloyd Nelson - Biosprays Brook LeVan -

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