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Piyush B 08-02-2008 Using DVTk tools in service environment Piyush B DVTk developer.

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Presentation on theme: "Piyush B 08-02-2008 Using DVTk tools in service environment Piyush B DVTk developer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Piyush B 08-02-2008 Using DVTk tools in service environment Piyush B DVTk developer

2 2Piyush DVTk tools in service environment  DVT Tools Overview  Problem Faced by IO Engineers  Possible Solution

3 3Piyush RIS Emulator This tool can be set-up to emulate basic functionality of a RIS & MPPS system.  Sending MWL responses based on the input DCM files.  Handling MPPS messages.  It provides clear detail validation results.  It displays the Information model created on the fly as per input DCM files.

4 4Piyush RIS Emulator

5 5Piyush DICOM Network Sniffer and Analyzer  Sniff the live DICOM network stream.  Save DICOM stream to a capture (.cap) file by filtering DICOM communication only between two IP addresses.  Read & analyze cap files (saved network stream). System B 0101010 1110001 System A DICOM via TCP/IP

6 6Piyush DICOM Network Sniffer and Analyzer  Evaluate/validate DICOM communication in single/multiple DICOM association and display the overview and detail report in HTML format.  Display Service element list and Association details per association.  Saving the Service element (DICOM object) as DICOM (DCM) file. 0101010 1110001 DICOM Data RECEIVE ASSOCIATE-RQ SEND ASSOCIATE-AC RECEIVE C-STORE-RQ SEND C-STORE-RSP RECEIVE RELEASE-RQ SEND RELEASE-RP

7 7Piyush DICOM Network Sniffer and Analyzer

8 8Piyush DCM Editor This tool is used for editing DICOM part-10 files and generating test data. It has the capability to:  Display all DICOM attributes in tabular format with indicating beginning & ending of sequence items.  Add/delete DICOM attributes.  Add/delete DICOM sequence attributes and sequence items.  Modify existing attribute values.  Create a text file of the DICOM Header.  Save modified dataset as DICOM part-10 file.

9 9Piyush DCM Editor

10 10Piyush DCM Anonymizer This application anonymize patient characteristics and clinical information from DICOM image.

11 11Piyush Modality Emulator This tool can be set-up to emulate basic functionality of all modalities:  MWL Query  Sending MPPS messages  Send Data for Storage  Handling storage commitment It provides you clear results (logging), with the possibility to view details results.

12 12Piyush Modality Emulator

13 13Piyush Storage SCP Emulator

14 14Piyush Storage SCU Emulator

15 15Piyush Typical scenarios in field Problem between Modality and a RIS System  The Modality sets up an association with the RIS System and performs a RIS WLM query. The Modality received responses without any error but no patient displayed on screen.  Basic DICOM association handling seems to be OK: AE-titles, Port-Numbers, IP- addresses……

16 16Piyush How to handle the problem  Make Network capture by DICOM Sniffer.  Analyze Capture in DICOM Sniffer to investigate DICOM Communication.  Check C-FIND RSP(s) saved into DCM file(s) by DICOM Sniffer.  Check validation result of C-FIND RSP and correct DCM file Using DCM Editor.  Supply correct DCM file in RIS emulator to reproduce and investigate the problem.

17 17Piyush Make a Network Capture

18 18Piyush Analyze capture and save C-FIND RSP to DCM file

19 19Piyush Check the validation result of C-FIND RSP in DICOM Sniffer

20 20Piyush Use the result of the DICOM Sniffer and correct the problem using DCM Editor

21 21Piyush Supply edited DCM file in RIS Emulator to reproduce and investigate the problem When solution is verified it can be reported to RIS vendor for a bug-fix.

22 22Piyush DCM Anonymizer  Anonymization can be performed on a CD/Directory or on a single DICOM object.  FSE can view the difference between original and anonymized dicom object.  FSE can generate the DICOMDIR of all anonymized DICOM objects.

23 23Piyush Demonstrations to follow Demonstrations I  Dynamic compare tool – Marco Kemper  DCM Annonymizer – Piyush B  DVTk Storage emulators – Piyush B  DVTk IHE workflow – Rick Busbridge Demonstrations II  DVTk Gazelle Web service – Rick Busbridge  SR investigation demo – G. van Ballegooijen  DVTk IHE RO – Jorg Wissink

24 Explore the new dimension of Integration Testing DVTk

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