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Wisconsin and GJXDM Presentation to the Global Advisory Committee October 20, 2005 Jim Pingel, WIJIS Director

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Presentation on theme: "Wisconsin and GJXDM Presentation to the Global Advisory Committee October 20, 2005 Jim Pingel, WIJIS Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wisconsin and GJXDM Presentation to the Global Advisory Committee October 20, 2005 Jim Pingel, WIJIS Director

2 The Problem

3 GJXDM Exchanges in Wisconsin eRap Sheet Exchange with NLETS State’s NCIC switch, eTIME, being re-written using Web Services and GJXML-compliant queries Criminal Justice Workflow: Law Enforcement eReferral to DA Filing charges with Courts No-processes from DA to Criminal History Disposition from Courts to Criminal History NCHIP and GTEA Grant Projects Starting this Fall: Warrants and Protective Orders to Message Switch and Sheriffs’ Systems NGA Grant: Probation & Parole Conditions

4 Reference Document Development: Probation & Parole Conditions Used IEPD Process SEARCH: Invaluable Facilitators! Convened Subject Matter Experts Will Submit to GLOBAL repository when complete

5 A New Type of Exchange: Indexing Activity

6 Statewide canonical standards for implementation –and extension--of GJXDM Support for a state Justice Data Exchange Architect to manage the standards A functioning standards body Executive Education on GJXDM Critical Success Factors

7 Toward a WI-JXDM IBR WIJIS eReferral Traffic Normalize GJXDM elements used in Wisconsin Exchanges Borrow Core, Ultra-Core concepts from NIEM Namespace Repository Change Management Who Maintains All of This?

8 Wisconsin’s Data Exchange Architect “Proven ability to design coherent, appropriate information structures for complex data interchange is the key requirement for the position. The right candidate will also be well-versed in justice information systems, and have a strong working knowledge of the GJXDM… “Data Model work includes all activity necessary to get the Wisconsin JXDM to an initial completion state, and then to maintain it over time. It also includes creation, publication, and revision of additional materials (such as auxiliary protocols, component models, and reference implementations) to assist any party that wants to use the Wisconsin JXDM. “

9 Evangelizing GJXDM Work Other States’ approaches to adopting GJXDM? Executive Briefings Emphasize, publicize the Repository Continue to Provide Training and Technical Assistance

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