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Thematic Studies In Bible Basics. Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ê A relevant question.

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1 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics


3 Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ê A relevant question is found in Mt 21:23-27 The Lord’s question narrows the choices to only 2 options as to the source of religious activities: Heaven (Divine) OR Men (Human) This is precisely the question that should be asked of any religious practice today

4 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ë The Jew’s failure to answer in Mt 21:25b The Jews showed some understanding re: John’s baptism had they admitted it came from heaven They knew Jesus would question their failure to receive it if this had been their answer to His question

5 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ë The Jew’s failure to answer in Mt 21:25b Their question of Jesus was fair, legitimate Notice Jesus even offered to answer it He did not rebuke their question…He only rebuked their blatant hypocrisy

6 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ì The incident of Nadab & Abihu in Lev 10:1-3 Aaron’s 2 sons acted without Divine authority re: their priestly duties v. 1 They used something God had never commanded Point Ù when we act on our own, we risk God’s displeasure, rejection, & judgment v. 2

7 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ì The incident of Nadab & Abihu in Lev 10:1-3 We also learn from this episode there is no room for emotionalism when dealing with God’s authority Moses had to remind his brother what the Lord had already said re: those who would come near to or approach Him v. 3

8 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ì The incident of Nadab & Abihu in Lev 10:1-3 What kind of “emotional arguments” as a father could Aaron have made re: his 2 sons, their death? The fact that “Aaron held his peace” teaches us the seriousness of respecting God’s authority…even when we might want to see things another way

9 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Í The incident of Uzziah in 2 Chron 26:16-20 Even though he was king, Uzziah had no authority to act as priest vv. 16b,18 cp. Ex 30:7 We are reminded again of the truthfulness of the inspired proverb Prov 16:18

10 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Í The incident of Uzziah in 2 Chron 26:16-20 Not only must we do what is right, but we must also make sure we do what is right in the right way We are also reminded that no one is immune from accountability toward God, His word (Kings, Elders, Preachers, Parents)

11 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Î The incident of the apostles in Acts 15:24 The apostles were “ambassadors”…the official representative of the King cp. 2 Cor 5:20 The “apostles’ doctrine” characterized the early church, its preaching cp. Acts 2:42

12 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Î The incident of the apostles in Acts 15:24 Some Jewish brethren (Judaizing teachers) began troubling Gentile Christians, whole churches re: the issue of circumcision Re: these men & their teaching, the apostles had given “no such commandment”

13 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Î The incident of the apostles in Acts 15:24 This statement reinforces the delegated authority the apostles had from Jesus Christ cp. Lk 10:16

14 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ï The prophecy of Jeremiah in Jer 2:13 The people had rejected God & His will for them… the prophet chides them for this foolish error vv. 9-11 The severity of their rejection is beautifully illustrated

15 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ï The prophecy of Jeremiah in Jer 2:13 “Living waters” = natural springs…God-given “Hewn cisterns” = dug wells…man-made These “cisterns” were broken…would not provide them what they would need

16 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ð Modern-day “broken cisterns”… Parents Ù Though parents (family) do come from God, He never meant for them to be followed no matter what His word teaches cp. Mt 10:34-37

17 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Need For Biblical Authority Questions To Discuss… Ð Modern-day “broken cisterns”… Conscience Ù We should never violate our conscience Rom 14:23 Yet, our conscience can be ill-trained and be wrong cp. Acts 23:1 8:1, 3

18 Thematic Studies In Bible Basics

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