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System of Environmental- Economic Accounting for Energy (SEEA-E) Process leading to the publication Third Meeting of the United Nations Committee of Experts.

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Presentation on theme: "System of Environmental- Economic Accounting for Energy (SEEA-E) Process leading to the publication Third Meeting of the United Nations Committee of Experts."— Presentation transcript:

1 System of Environmental- Economic Accounting for Energy (SEEA-E) Process leading to the publication Third Meeting of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (New York, 26-27 June 2008)

2 Questions to the UNCEEA Does the UNCEEA agree with the scope and coverage of the SEEA-E ? Does the UNCEEA agree with the process and timetable for the preparation of the SEEA-E ? Does the UNCEEA agree in principle with the draft Annotated Outline of the SEEA-E ?

3 Background UNCEEA meeting July 2007: Consensus for the preparation of a publication on energy accounts (SEEA-E) and related emissions accounts presenting standard concepts, definitions, classifications and tables for energy accountsConsensus for the preparation of a publication on energy accounts (SEEA-E) and related emissions accounts presenting standard concepts, definitions, classifications and tables for energy accounts Agreement that energy accounts should feature prominently in the revised SEEA Agreement that energy accounts should feature prominently in the revised SEEA

4 Coverage of the SEEA-E Agreed concepts, definitions, classifications,Agreed concepts, definitions, classifications, accounting rules, and valuation principles Physical and monetary accounts forPhysical and monetary accounts for energy resource stocks Physical and monetary flow accounts related to energy Accounts for energy-related air emissions Bridge tables with energy balances and emission inventoriesBridge tables with energy balances and emission inventories

5 SEEA-E and the other publications A suite of publications in support of energy-related information: A suite of publications in support of energy-related information:  SEEA-E A standard for physical and monetary energy accounts Will serve as an input in the revised SEEA  IRES (International Recommendation on Energy Statistics) The statistical foundation: Definitions, classifications, agreed data items, etc. The statistical foundation: Definitions, classifications, agreed data items, etc.  ESCM (Energy Statistics Compilers Manual) Compilation guide: Good practices, technical matters Compilation guide: Good practices, technical matters

6 Draft outline of SEEA-E Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: The SEEA-E framework Chapter 3: Physical asset accounts Chapter 4: Monetary asset accounts Chapter 5: Physical flow accounts Chapter 6: Monetary flow accounts Chapter 7: Air emission accounts for energy related emissions Chapter 8: Hybrid accounts Chapter 9: Applications of energy accounts

7 What has happened since the UNCEEA meeting July 2007 ? The UNSD has embarked on the drafting of the SEEA-E as part of its regular work programme Organization of a special session on energy accounts at the 12th London Group MeetingOrganization of a special session on energy accounts at the 12th London Group Meeting Consultation with the 3rd Oslo Group Meeting on Energy Statistics on the list of issuesConsultation with the 3rd Oslo Group Meeting on Energy Statistics on the list of issues Global Assessment of energy accountsGlobal Assessment of energy accounts

8 What has happened ? (continued) A drafting group with experts on energy statistics and energy accounts has been established to assist UNSD in developingA drafting group with experts on energy statistics and energy accounts has been established to assist UNSD in developing SEEA-E SEEA-E Drafting Group: Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, South Africa. UK, EEA, Eurostat, IMF, UNESCWA, UNSD Drafting Group: Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, South Africa. UK, EEA, Eurostat, IMF, UNESCWA, UNSD Drafting of chapters 1-4 of the SEEA-E and consultation with the drafting groupDrafting of chapters 1-4 of the SEEA-E and consultation with the drafting group Establishment of a website to facilitate the consultation on the SEEA-EEstablishment of a website to facilitate the consultation on the SEEA-E


10 Future activities 2008 Drafting Drafting of remaining chapters. Further consultation and seeking inputs with drafting groupDrafting of remaining chapters. Further consultation and seeking inputs with drafting group Drafting of issues paper for discussion at the London Group meetingDrafting of issues paper for discussion at the London Group meeting Consultation and inputs London Group meeting (October)London Group meeting (October) International Workshop on Energy Statistics (Mexico City) (Q4)) Expert Group Meeting on emission inventories (Q4)

11 Activities 2009 Consultation and inputs: Oslo Group meeting (Q1) Expert Group meeting on energy accounts and statistics (Q1) London group meeting (Q1) World-wide global consultation to review the revised SEEA-E (Q2) User-producer conference (Q3) Final draft for UNCEEA approval

12 Questions to the UNCEEA Does the UNCEEA agree with the scope and coverage of the SEEA-E ? Does the UNCEEA agree with the process and timetable for the preparation of the SEEA-E ? Does the UNCEEA agree in principle with the draft Annotated Outline of the SEEA-E ?

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