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Objective: What is genetic variation and how does it affect a population?

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: What is genetic variation and how does it affect a population?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: What is genetic variation and how does it affect a population?

2  Take the page and divide it into 6 equal boxes  Number the boxes Notes: Genetic Variation12 34 56

3  Genetic = genes/DNA  Variation = differences/variety  Genetic Variation = the different genes/DNA found in a population

4  Gene pool = all the different alleles (2+) present within a population  Variety in genotype results in a variety of phenotype

5  Mutation:  Changes in DNA 2) Gene Shuffling:  The random distribution of chromosomes during meiosis

6  Enables greater survival in a changing environment.  No genetic variation = all individuals are the same.

7  Which population of hares has a better chance of survival as a species? Population B Population A

8  Genetic variation increases a species’ chance of survival  Some individuals will be more “fit” than others making sure some survive and keep the species going.

9 Copy down: Fill in based on your tables phenotypes Percent occurrence = # that has it/ total in group x 100% # that has it/ total in group x 100% How many people in your group have it Total # in group

10 Answer the following question in 3 complete sentences.  What is genetic variation and why is it important to a species?

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