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Unemployment and Job policies in Turin. Our service, your idea!

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Presentation on theme: "Unemployment and Job policies in Turin. Our service, your idea!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unemployment and Job policies in Turin. Our service, your idea!

2 Training Day : 3 Focus Groups 15,22,29 September 2015 3 Mornings with unemployed service users (job service)

3 Training Day : Agenda 10.00 AM - opening European Project Presentation 10.30 Job policies, evaluation of public services and citizens participation 10.45 Focus Groups: unemployed people needs and motivations

4 Training Day : Agenda 12.00 European partners best practices on civic engagement 12.15 Group discussion on italian practices about theme «unemployment and participation» (web portal in Italian cities) / questionnaire / conclusions

5 Training Day : Agenda End of Project: Results report and dissemination to all stakeholder Publicizing of the initiative: website; social net.; poster attached on CSAL’s job service space

6 Results Training Day 22 participants: -8 Foreigners -3 disadvantaged people -17 Male; 5 Female

7 Group discussion on italian practices about theme «unemployment and participation» What Needs (unemployed people)? On job services: Places of listening,dialogue. To find useful informations on job research Attention and support to personalised runs

8 What it Misses (in Local job services)? -Skilled and qualified clerks -Broker on language for foreigners -Help on web tools to search job -Humanity and sensibility

9 «Unemployment and Participation» What it Misses? -No spaces of protest /organization of the social uneasiness -Collective ways that admits the proposals -Groups which to share resources, opportunity, information

10 What’s problem in italian civic participation? Vertical culture in welfare services : (exception in drugs services or psychiatry with peer educators). Automatically it misses in the people a thought about collective solutions Vertical culture in services it produces inequality and it not favors participation or collective protest. Some processes of self-organization among equal people, they are favorite in spaces where we observe equal relationship and bonds of trust in the communities (Examples brought in Preparatory Desk research: Centers of Proximity; Social Street, Cohousing…).

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