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Thursday February 7 th 2013 Today’s Plan Silent Read for 15 minutes PowerPoint Presentation:  Scientific Method/Lab Write-up Procedure  Microscope Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday February 7 th 2013 Today’s Plan Silent Read for 15 minutes PowerPoint Presentation:  Scientific Method/Lab Write-up Procedure  Microscope Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday February 7 th 2013 Today’s Plan Silent Read for 15 minutes PowerPoint Presentation:  Scientific Method/Lab Write-up Procedure  Microscope Safety Today’s Assignment  Microscope care assignment  Slide analysis worksheet

2 INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE LAB Unit 1 Section 1.1 Observing Living Things

3 Scientific Method Before we begin this lab, we need to do an introduction to the Scientific Method… “sci·en·tif·ic meth·od” a method of research in which a problem is identified, relevant data are gathered, a hypothesis is formulated from these data, and the hypothesis is empirically tested.which

4 Scientific Method Purpose of the Lab  What you are doing Hypothesis  An educated guess Apparatus  Materials & Equipment in use Procedure  Step by Step Methods (in text)  Ensure you have a Fair Test Observations  Means to answer Procedure Conclusion  Answer Hypothesis. Report Results. List Errors (if any)

5 Microscope Familiarity Lab Before we begin, please watch this short video. Be sure to pay attention to the techniques used as well as all safety and proper handling techniques mentioned… (Consider this your warning)

6 Today’s Task Using a Compound Microscope, along with the worksheet “Using a Compound Microscope” & “Careful Use of a Microscope”, you have tasks to complete:  Fill in the missing blanks (Page #1)  Follow the Procedure as presented on page #2:  Do Questions 1-7 three times using three different slides, then, and only then, follow up with #s 8 & 9.  Sign out the slides you use and return to correct slot!!  Hand in your work in side bin… (  Over there)  I will do a quick demonstration for all to see…

7 How to Draw What You See…

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