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The Reformation.

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1 The Reformation



4 Late Medieval Religion
The Late Medieval Church and Spirituality Corruption “Worldly” popes and clergy “Ignorance” Yet thriving! Mysticism Lay devotion

5 Late Medieval Religion
The Seven Sacraments Essential to salvation! Administered by clergy alone The Sacraments Baptism Confirmation Penance Eucharist Ordination Marriage Last Rites

6 Late Medieval Religion
Late Medieval Spirituality Sufferings of Christ Purgatory Eucharist Cult of Saints Pilgrimage Roettgen Pietà (early 14th cent.)

7 Late Medieval Religion
Salvation and Authority Salvation something to “achieve” through “good works” Authority Sacred Scripture Tradition of the Church Popes and councils

8 Late Medieval Religion
Indulgences Began as monetary gifts Became means of relaxing penance “Treasury of Merits” Pope can distribute merit to Christians by indulgences Can lessen time in Purgatory! Indulgence preaching

9 Late Medieval Religion
Construction of ST. PETER’S BASILICA, Rome Indulgence sales  rebuilding process

10 Late Medieval Religion

11 The Lutheran Reformation
Martin Luther ( ) From Saxony, HRE Law student “Lightning storm”  vowed to become monk Joined Augustinian Order (1505)

12 The Lutheran Reformation
Luther the Monk Tortured soul Ascetic Terrified of God’s judgment Felt he could never please God To Wittenberg, Saxony Earned doctorate in theology (1512) Popular professor Studied New Testament in depth

13 The Lutheran Reformation
Luther’s New Beliefs God is righteous, but gracious Humanity does not deserve grace, but is “given” it “The righteous man shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17)

14 The Lutheran Reformation
The Indulgence Controversy Heard about indulgence sales in HRE Penned NINETY-FIVE THESES Attacked “abuses” in indulgence sales Nailed to Castle Church door? Document  very popular, controversial

15 The Lutheran Reformation
Rome’s Response Pope Leo X (r ) Hedonistic Recognized monetary ramifications Ordered Luther to Rome for hearing Hearing at Augsburg (October of 1518) Papal legate demanded Luther’s submission Luther refused Raphael, Pope Leo X with Cardinals (1518)

16 The Lutheran Reformation
Luther the Rebel Papal bull drafted (1520): either recant or be excommunicated! Luther’s Revolutionary Ideas SOLA SCRIPTURA (“Scripture alone”) SOLA FIDE (“by faith alone”) “PRIESTHOOD OF ALL BELIEVERS” Two sacraments

17 The Lutheran Reformation
The Diet of Worms (April 17-18, 1521) Church and emperor wanted resolution! Luther given safe conduct Asked to recant Refused “Unless I am convinced by Scripture…” Luther declared an outlaw (May 26, 1521)

18 The Lutheran Reformation
Lutheran Traits and Practices Preaching “the Word” Justification “by faith alone” Rejected papal authority Clerical marriage

19 The Lutheran Reformation

20 The Lutheran Reformation

21 The Reformed Tradition
Origins of the Reformed Tradition In the Swiss Confederation and Geneva Made up of “cantons” German and French Took Reformation further than Lutherans

22 The Reformed Tradition
John Calvin (1509–1564) French Humanist, student of law Converted to Protestantism (early 1530s) Fled France (1534) Ended up in Swiss Confederation, finally in Geneva (1536)

23 The Reformed Tradition
Calvin’s Teachings INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION (1559) Major Teachings Majesty of God Depravity of humanity Centrality of faith and the Word Predestination

24 The Reformed Tradition
Geneva under Calvin Had to work with city government Service of preaching, prayer, singing Discipline was strictly enforced No “immorality” “You can do anything you want in Geneva as long as you don’t enjoy it.” Many resented Calvin Relief was provided to poor

25 The Reformed Tradition
Spread of Calvinism Geneva was “home base” for Calvinist missionaries to France Prevalent in Dutch Low Countries Presbyterian Church in Scotland was Calvinist

26 The Reformed Tradition

27 The Reformed Tradition

28 The Anabaptists The Rise of Anabaptism
Reformers taught “go to Scripture!” Resulting problem  different interpretations! Questions on Baptism Infant baptism was an established tradition Some Protestants questioned this “BELIEVER’S BAPTISM” Baptism should take place at age of accountability First adult baptism in 1525

29 The Anabaptists “Radical” Anabaptist Beliefs “Believer’s baptism”
Hands off for state! Church is “voluntary” community of believers Church is not “arm of state” Pacifism No oaths Outside mainstream of Church and society

30 The Anabaptists Anabaptist Martyrs
Despised by Protestants and Catholics alike They cooperated with state, infant baptism Reformers and authorities saw Anabaptists as threat to society Punishments: arrest, torture, execution Examples: Michael and Margaretha Sattler (d. 1527) Refused to recant beliefs Michael’s body torn by red-hot tongs, burned at stake Wife was drowned

31 The Anabaptists

32 The Anabaptists

33 The Anabaptists The Spread of Anabaptism
Hobbled along despite persecution Scattered communities  eastern Europe Anabaptist survive today

34 The Anabaptists Questions?

35 The English Reformation
Henry VIII (r ) Renaissance prince Loyal Catholic Married Catherine of Aragon (1509) Catherine’s pregnancies One daughter, Mary (b. 1516) Rest died No male heir!

36 The English Reformation
The “King’s Great Matter” Henry wanted a divorce (1527) Catherine wanted to remain married Pope would not grant annulment Henry met Anne Boleyn  problems escalated

37 The English Reformation
A Legal Reformation Parliament was on board English ties to Rome severed in 1533 The Divorce and Marriage Marriage to Catherine dissolved Henry and Anne married (June 1533) Act of Succession (1534) ACT OF SUPREMACY Henry declared “Supreme Head of the Church of England”

38 The English Reformation
Resistance to Reform Thomas More Remained loyal to Rome Refused to acknowledge Act of Succession Beheaded for treason (1535) Uprising in the north (1536) Overall not much public protest

39 The English Reformation
Legacy of Henry VIII Aging… Six wives! Remained Catholic theologically Never reverted kingdom back to Rome Succession (1543) Edward Mary Elizabeth

40 The English Reformation
Elizabeth I (r ) Succeeded to English throne after brother and sister Edward VI (r ) Mary I (r ) Age 25 upon succession Sympathetic to Protestantism Religious question must be dealt with! Best method: compromise Goal  “centrist Protestant”

41 The English Reformation
The Elizabethan Religious Settlement Act of Supremacy (1559) Elizabeth  “supreme governor” of realm and Church Traits of Church Centrist Protestant Protestant doctrine Traditional in celebration, organization Book of Common Prayer Still did not please everyone…

42 The English Reformation

43 Early Modern Catholicism
The Response of the Roman Church Protestant Reformation  major loss What next? Church must reform itself Church must respond to Protestant “heretics”

44 Early Modern Catholicism
New Religious Orders Founding of orders was usually associated with reform THE CAPUCHINS (1528) Reformed branch of Franciscan Order Missionaries, chaplains, preachers, etc.

45 Early Modern Catholicism

46 Early Modern Catholicism
The Society of Jesus Most influential order of Reformation IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA ( ) Basque soldier Wounded  turned to Catholic spirituality Felt he was to become another Francis or Dominic Spiritual Exercises Gathered disciples Ignatius of Loyola

47 Early Modern Catholicism
Society of Jesus (1540) Offered services to papacy Obedience! Functions Missionaries Educators Higher education Central in fight against “heresy”

48 Early Modern Catholicism

49 Early Modern Catholicism
Papal Leadership in Reform Roman Inquisition (1542) INDEX OF PROHIBITED BOOKS (1559) Some “holy” popes

50 Early Modern Catholicism
Council of Trent ( ) Reform Reformed clergy, religious orders Diocesan seminaries Doctrine SCRIPTURE AND TRADITION Seven sacraments, transubstantiation Justification BY FAITH AND WORKS Bishops expected to implement in dioceses

51 Early Modern Catholicism
Aftermath of Trent Reconciliation with Protestants became impossible Long-lasting effects  Vatican II ( ) Reform and revival  new era of glory for Catholicism

52 Early Modern Catholicism
St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City Consecrated 1626 Bernini, St. Peter’s Square ( )

53 Early Modern Catholicism

54 The Reformation

55 The Reformation What made Protestants different from Catholics?
What were some of the differences among Protestants? Do we still see aftereffects of the Reformation today?

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