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Jonathan Pearce ASSIGNMENT 1. In the film trailer the main style of the film is action with comedy, As it is shown in the film trailer. The purpose of.

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1 Jonathan Pearce ASSIGNMENT 1

2 In the film trailer the main style of the film is action with comedy, As it is shown in the film trailer. The purpose of the film is to entertain as this will be a film out in cinema as well as a DVD. The target audience is 18+ as that is the age rating that is used, there is a green band trailer but there is also a red band trailer for older audiences. The film could be aimed at both genders but is primarily for the male audience, the secondary audience would be females and any age from under and over the suggested age to watch the film. If the audience doesn't like action/SC-FI then they will not like this film. If you like comic books or comic/hero films then this is the best film to watch. Codes and conventions: as the trailer starts it show the main star Ryan Reynolds in mid shot with another woman whilst playing sad music, adding affect on the audience. This is a great way of recognition of celebrity. Location of the action film is based in Vancouver (Canada) where allot of there filming has taken place. Deadpool is represented in as the hero but with a bad attitude and a bad influence on people.

3 Deadpool is the main character and is show in the trailer as the man of all the action Deadpool is made by the production company marvel, a production company that make action comic book hero films. Anyone who likes the type of film would mot certainly like this film. In the trailer the persuasive techniques used are very effective as the music, bright flashing text can make audience members excited about the films release date. The position of the character Deadpool he is at the top of all of the other characters, and is always in a low angle shot to show dominance.

4 Add the beginning of the add it starts with celebrity Keith lemon (celebrity endorsement) this shows a celebrity using the product/service to have the audience wanting to use the product or service as well as the celebrity that is using it. The target audience: for this advert the target audience would be for younger people from the ages of 14+, or possibly even younger. This is because our generation is built up on technology meanwhile older people tend not to use the same technology The platform of the the advert would be for T.V as well as social media sites (Facebook) this AD might also be shown in the cinema before the start of a film. Codes and conventions: In the advert there is music playing in the background that is used in all of the adverts for pin point (Carphone Warehouse) meaning every time the audience hear the music they will think about this advert, a person who likes new technology or the celebrity would like to watch the advert.

5 Keith Lemon is the celebrity that is promoting the product, some older audiences like him for his comedic appearances The celebrity is holding the product promoting trying to persuade you to buy it. (If the audience see a celeb they like holding the product they will want to buy it The large bold words are a persuasive technique to stand out for the audience to read and enjoy. Location of the advert is based Tokyo/Japan, where Keith makes many jokes and promotes the product in a completely different part of the world.

6 In the factual program a man called Reggie yates investigates Russia as it really is like. A person who likes documentary or interviews would like to watch the program, or people who are interested in learning about the country its self. The target audience would primarily be for people over the age of 14+ (as it contains some words or phrases) that younger audiences shouldn’t hear. platform: This would be on TV, Media. Such as BBC I player as well as YouTube The program would also be promoted on other social media sites, the program its self is on BBC three. The propose of the program is to inform/educate people who watch it. Code and conventions: At the beginning of every episode there is music playing in the background that when repeated is well recognized, the only celebrity endorsement In the program is Reggie yates (the host). In the clip they try to persuade you to watch the program by telling you how great and entertaining it is by using, music, powerful words, items people might like and a celebrity. The target audience is mainly for 16+ but can be for some younger mature people, there is no aimed gender as any gender can watch/enjoy the TV program

7 BBC three is the platform for the television program to b e show on but can also be displayed on BBC I player, YouTube and many other media sites Russia is the big location where the program is set adding the big part of the program that makes it the way it is shown on television Reggie yates shown standing out, is the celebrity used for the celeb endorsement to document/ interview the people of Russia for the entertainment of the audience The main title is bold with bright colours to catch the audiences eye, promoting the TV program further. The words used have to big with a good name that people will remember.

8 CONCLUSION: In conclusion of the three main types of products, Fictional, promotional and factual I prefer Fictional out of the three as there are many things that the production can include to attract the audience attention and earn money. Fictional films are made to entertain the audience and the trailers promote the film before the release date. Differences between them: There are many differences between Fictional, factual and promotional, one point being that celebrity endorsement cannot be used for fictional as they are only the stars (actors). Another point too be made is promotional and fictional tend to use product placement, shot angles to support there product/service, in a advert there is a small running time as every second costs money therefore they have to get there point across quickly making the advert catchy as well as catching the audiences eye. In a factual advert the advert flashes between scene to scene with different music in the background, there is not always the same for fictional. A final point I would like to make is that all of the products have different roles and add different effects on the audience. The affects could be for the brain to remember music from a promotional AD or a fictional trailer promoting itself to the audience. Jonathan Pearce

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