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By: Hunter Sanderson &Daniel Hamlett. Persuade Do you love nature? Do you enjoy eating fresh deer meat? Well hunting is the best way to go. Hunting is.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Hunter Sanderson &Daniel Hamlett. Persuade Do you love nature? Do you enjoy eating fresh deer meat? Well hunting is the best way to go. Hunting is."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Hunter Sanderson &Daniel Hamlett

2 Persuade Do you love nature? Do you enjoy eating fresh deer meat? Well hunting is the best way to go. Hunting is a world-wide sport that is fun and exciting. The feeling when you shoot your first deer is indescribable. So, the next time you feel sad just grab a gun and head out to the woods and kill something.

3 Inform Deer hunting has been around since the Indians. The Indians would use bow and arrows to kill fresh meat for their family. In order to kill a deer you can use pretty much any gun. Deer hunting has been around for ages. Many people still deer hunt today.

4 Entertain Once upon a time Jimmy went hunting. When Jimmy got in his deer stand he looked down and found something. What Jimmy found scared the daylights out of him. He saw a cross between a dog and a deer. He called it a Doer. Jimmy thought it would be cool to have a Doer mounted on his wall. So he shot it and mounted it on the wall. So to this day whenever you here about the legendary Jimmy who shot the Doer you will know who they are talking about.

5 Reference Slide dland%20Indians%20Hunting%20Deer.htm deer-meat-a88599

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