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Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 <Customer Name>

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Presentation on theme: "Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 <Customer Name>"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 <Customer Name>
Implementation Project Sage ERP X3 Standard Edition Location: <PLACE> Date: <DATE> Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 <Customer Name>

2 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Agenda
Tracking of actions adopted by the last Steering Committee Meeting Project Status Tracking of Workload Consumption Tracking of Contract Requirements Upcoming Phases and Milestones Planning Updates Miscellaneous

3 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Agenda
Tracking of actions adopted by the last Steering Committee Meeting Project Status Tracking of Workload Consumption Tracking of Contract Requirements Upcoming Phases and Milestones Planning Updates Miscellaneous

4 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Actions to be implemented
> Tracking of actions Progress on actions validated by Steering Committee Meetings No. 1 and 2 Replace or update this table with the cumulative actions from slide 4 from the PI012 (Steering Committee Meeting No. 2) slide deck < To be completed >

5 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Agenda
Tracking of actions adopted by the last Steering Committee Meeting Project Status Tracking of Workload Consumption Tracking of Contract Requirements Upcoming Phases and Milestones Planning Updates Miscellaneous

6 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Project Status
Scoping Implementation Testing Training Support SC03 Replace this with a snapshot of the updated Progress table from the SC03-1 tab in the PI002 (Project Monitor) spreadsheet Specific points regarding Preparation of End-User training documents < To be completed> End-User training < To be completed> < To be completed >

7 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Agenda
Tracking of actions adopted by the last Steering Committee Meeting Project Status Tracking of Workload Consumption Tracking of contract requirements Upcoming Phases and Milestones Planning Updates Miscellaneous

8 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Report on workload consumption
Scoping Implementation Testing Training Support SC03 Replace this with a snapshot of the updated Time Entry tab from the PI002 (Project Monitor) spreadsheet < To be completed >

9 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Workload consumption analysis
Scoping Implementation Testing Training Support SC03 Replace this with a snapshot of the updated Workload Overview section of the SC03-1 tab from the PI002 (Project Monitor) spreadsheet < To be completed >

10 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Agenda
Tracking of actions adopted by the last Steering Committee Meeting Project Status Tracking of Workload Consumption Tracking of contract requirements Upcoming phases and milestones Planning Updates Miscellaneous

11 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No
SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Tracking of contract requirements: Milestones Scoping Implementation Testing Training Support SC03 Replace this with a snapshot of the updated Milestones table from the SC03-1 tab in the PI002 (Project Monitor) spreadsheet Specific remarks on the milestones < To be completed> < To be completed >

12 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No
SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Tracking of contract requirements: Milestones Milestone No. 4 details: Review and Sign-Off on Go-Live plan Adjustment of Target Solution Description by the Customer YES/NO End-User training conducted by the Customer PI024 Validation Minutes prepared by the Integrator PI024 Validation Minutes submitted to Customer On MM/DD/YY Customer concerns regarding the PI024 Validation Minutes Integrator processing of Customer concerns PI024 Validation Minutes signed by the Customer PI024 Validation Minutes signed by the provider < To be completed >

13 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No
SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Tracking of contract requirements: Risks Scoping Implementation Testing Training Support SC03 Replace this with a snapshot of the updated Risk Analysis table from the SC03-1 tab in the PI002 (Project Monitor) spreadsheet Specific remarks on the risks < To be completed> < To be completed >

14 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No
SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Tracking of contract requirements: Adjustments Scoping Implementation Testing Training Support SC03 Replace this with a snapshot of the updated Contract table from the SC03-1 tab in the PI002 (Project Monitor) spreadsheet Specific remarks on contract adjustments < To be completed> To be presented in the event specific adaptations to be implemented are identified after acceptance testing

15 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Agenda
Tracking of actions adopted by the last Steering Committee Meeting Project Status Tracking of Workload Consumption Tracking of Contract Requirements Upcoming phases and milestones Planning updates Miscellaneous

16 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Upcoming Phases and Milestones
Scoping Implementation Testing Training Support Launch Meeting Development of the Target Solution Project Team Training Adjustments to the Target Description Development Procedures Getting started with the product Data Migration End-User Training Production Start-up Scoping Presentations Acceptance Testing Start-up Help Preparing the Target Description Validation of the Target Description Installation of the Target Solution Review and Sign-Off on Target Solution Review and Sign- Off on Go-Live Plan and Schedule Final Production Sign-Off

17 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Planning: Phases and milestones
Implementation of startup procedure Integrator On MM/DD/YY Running the startup procedure Integrator/Customer Period Start date > Milestone No. 5: Sign-Off on Final Production – date confirmed MM/DD/YY > Steering Committee Meeting No. 4 – date confirmed MM/DD/YY < To be completed >

18 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Agenda
Tracking of actions adopted by the last Steering Committee Meeting Project Status Tracking of Workload Consumption Tracking of Contract Requirements Upcoming Phases and Milestones Planning updates Miscellaneous

19 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Macro-planning Updates
Scoping Implementation Testing Training Support SC03 Replace this with a snapshot of the updated Timeline from the SC03-2 tab in the PI002 (Project Monitor) spreadsheet Specify any lead-time offsets for attained and/or projected milestones (offset milestone) < To be completed >

20 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Agenda
Tracking of actions adopted by the last Steering Committee Meeting Project Status Tracking of Workload Consumption Tracking of Contract Requirements Upcoming Phases and Milestones Planning Updates Miscellaneous

21 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Tracking of events
List of actions to be submitted to the Steering Committee for instructions < To be completed > Decisions adopted by the Steering Committee Meeting < To be completed >

22 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Miscellaneous
Modifying the customer organization Changing the integrator organization Focus on the product Focus on invoicing License Service Travel expenses Focus on project logistics Travel Equipment > Other < To be completed >

23 SC03: Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 Report
Date on which the report by Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 in response to comments will be updated MM/DD/YY Report completed Sent to customer Validation by Steering Committee Meeting No Two copies submitted to the customer and integrator Customer signatory: Signatory title: Customer Initials Integrator signatory: Signatory title: Integrator Initials < To be completed >

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