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Grammar Rules! Mrs. Kim/ Am Lit II. I went back home _to_ get _two__ shirts so me and my boo could match _too_. I, _too__,made _two_ cookies when I went.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Rules! Mrs. Kim/ Am Lit II. I went back home _to_ get _two__ shirts so me and my boo could match _too_. I, _too__,made _two_ cookies when I went."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Rules! Mrs. Kim/ Am Lit II

2 I went back home _to_ get _two__ shirts so me and my boo could match _too_. I, _too__,made _two_ cookies when I went _to_ the kitchen. One plus one equals _two__. Where are you off _to_? Where are you going _to_? Alan went _to_ CVS _to_ get _two_ bottles of soda.

3 If you’re taller _than__ me, _then__ you should sit down. Once that happened, I _then_ knew that I was better _than_ her. Back _then__, we had more horses _than_ cars.\ Back _then__, the Bills were better _than_ the Patriots.

4 ___ are more people in ___ party THAN ___ allowing. It’s ____ house. They lived ___ 20 years. ___ still coming, no matter what. ____ ____ because it is __ reservation. ___ coming in ____ car from _.___ ___ in ___ rooms because ___ going to wait for ____ babysitter to come _____. It is ___ banana, not ___.

5 _They’re__ coming to _their__ new house. Now that it’s _theirs__, they can be happy _there__. _They’re__ coming with _their__ clothes from over _there__. _They’re__ rooting for _their__ team over _there_ in the stands. I went to _their__ house, and _their_ son had friends. _They’re__ all younger.

6 _You’re__ going to have to go get _your_ book. _You’re__ busy with _your__ homework. _You’re_ funny. Even __your_ mom agrees. _You’re__ so smart because _your_ studying before _your__ test. _You’re__ going with me whether you like it or not. _You’re_ reckless. The car is _your_ responsibility.

7 Whether___ or not the weather___ is going to _affect__ us, the picnic will still go on. The weather___ outside will _affect___ whether__ or not I can go to the game. The _effect__ on the lights were amazing. The _effect_ of the shot was painful.

8 Rewrite this paragraph with corrected errors. In my family I am the only child. Considering I’m an only child. I don’t got alot of responsibilities. I could of had a little sister to, but I don’t think I would like a sibling younger then me. Their would be to much rivalry.

9 In my family, I am the only child. Considering I’m an only child, I don’t have a lot of responsibilities. I could have had a little sister too, but I don’t think I would like a sibling younger than I am. There would be too much rivalry.

10 In my family, I am the only child. RULE #1: You need a comma separating the fragment before the main sentence. Because there were no more cookies, the toddler cried. While I was running, I ran into my neighbor.

11 Considering I’m an only child, I don’t have a lot of responsibilities. RULE #2: “don’t got” = WRONG  USE “don’t have” RULE #3: a lot = 2 words, not 1 (alot = WRONG) a little

12 I could have had a little sister too, RULE #4: “could of” = WRONG  use “could have” RULE #5: The rule of to, too, two Two = 2 Too = “also” To = Use it if the other ones don’t work! To make cupcakes, you need ingredients. So, I went to the store with my mom.

13 but I don’t think I would like a sibling younger than I am. RULE #6: Then vs Than Then = a) a point in time b) “Next” c) “Therefore” (used with IF) Than = used in comparison If you’re hungry, then you should eat. Then, I went to the store. (Then=Next) He’s stronger than I am. (Comparison)

14 but I don’t think I would like a sibling younger than I am. RULE #7: “than me” (WRONG)  use than I + verb “than her” (WRONG)  than she She ate faster than I ate. He is taller than I am. Laura runs faster than I run. (or I do) He talks faster than she does.

15 There would be too much rivalry. RULE #8: Rule of Their, there, they’re Their = possessive (It’s their car.) There = a place (I live there.) They’re = they + are (They’re coming!)

16 Rewrite this paragraph with corrected usage/spelling errors: Imagine if your gonna run a race. What will help you to run good? If you don’t know, its alright. Its not to complicated to figure out what will effect you. Weather your young or old; I herd encouragement can be more helpful then pure criticism. Using “I” and contractions are ok in informal writing!

17 Rewrite this paragraph with 13 corrected usage/spelling errors: Imagine if you’re going to run a race. What will help you to run well? If you don’t know, it’s all right. It’s not too complicated to figure out what will affect you. Whether you’re young or old, I heard encouragement can be more helpful than pure criticism.

18 Imagine if you’re going to run a race. Rule #9 : your vs. you’re your – possessive (This is your book) you’re – you + are (You’re busy!)

19 Imagine if you’re going to run a race. RULE #10: gonna  going to sorta  sort of kinda  kind of

20 What will help you to run well? Rule #11: Good vs. Well Good : adjective, describing a noun. Well : adverb, describing a verb. She is a good writer. (Good describes “writer.”) She writes well. (Well describes the verb “writes.”)

21 If you don’t know, it’s all right. RULE #12: alright (wrong)  all right (2 words!) - Are you all right? I heard your alarm. Rule #13: its : possessive (Its leaves shed in the fall.) it’s : it + is (It’s my birthday today!)

22 It’s not too complicated to figure out what will affect you. RULE #14 : affect vs. effect affect: verb effect: noun The effects of the hurricane affected everyone. (noun) (verb)

23 Whether you’re young or old, I heard compliments can help more than pure criticism. RULE #15: weather vs. whether weather: whether: introduces a choice I’m not sure whether I should wear the green or the purple sweater.

24 Can you do this? The teams ____ me cheer for them. (heard/herd) This is _____ first time eating Thai food. (there/th) When did _____ sister get here? (you’re your) How did this ____ you? (affect vs effect) I know more ____ you know.(then vs than)

25 RULE # 16 : The Semicolon The semicolon (;) separates two complete sentences! Correct: Grammar is difficult; I always need help. Incorrect: Here’s what I need; a hat, sunscreen, and a towel. Whether you’re young or old, I heard compliments can help more than pure criticism.

26 RULE #17 : heard vs. herd heard: past tense of “to hear” herd: a large group of animals

27 A few more important ones… RULE # 18: accept vs. except accept: to agree to receive except: not including I accept your apology. vs. I was finished except for one one math problem.

28 A few more important ones… RULE #19 : desert vs. dessert (Remember: more “S”s b/c you want more dessert!) More dessert, please!

29 A few more important ones… RULE # 20: fewer vs. less fewer: countable less: uncountable There are fewer books on this shelf. vs. She will have less worries once she gets help.

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