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Rewriting WIA Overview of Early Views on Reauthorization.

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Presentation on theme: "Rewriting WIA Overview of Early Views on Reauthorization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rewriting WIA Overview of Early Views on Reauthorization

2 The Environment  Uncertainty in Congress  Converging reauthorizations (TANF, Perkins, Higher Ed)  WIA to be reauthorized in 2003

3 Perspectives on Rewriting WIA  The Administration  General Accounting Office  State, Local and Other Stakeholders

4 Forums: Performance Measures “Miss the Mark”  Simplify current measures  Eliminate disincentives to service  Develop measures of “system success”  Need better measures for management

5 Forums: Business Participation  Link to economic development  Provide flexible training $$$  Improve boards to attract and retain employers

6 Forums: Workforce Investment Boards  Address board size  Allow flexibility for membership requirements  Be strategic not compliance-oriented  Expand board authority beyond Title I

7 Forums: “Mandatory Partners Are Like a Shotgun Marriage”  Better align requirements of federal partners  Define contribution to one-stop centers  Use incentives, not mandates

8 Forums: ETP List “Needs Serious Fixing”  Reduce burden on training providers  Add incentives for non-WIA providers  Incorporate community colleges

9 Forums: “Remove Unnecessary Obstacles to Training”  Redesign services from sequence into array  Increase sector-specific training  Increase employer-driven training

10 Forums: Youth Issues  Streamline eligibility documentation  Add flexibility to serve more youth  Eliminate older vs. younger distinction

11 Forums: Other Issues  Maintain adequate funding  More flexibility to allocate dollars  Reexamine allocation formula for dislocated workers

12 View from ETA  Reframe workforce development as economic development  Make one-stops community access points  Emphasize career advancement, not just putting people into jobs

13 DRAFT ETA Principles for Reauthorization  Simplify governance structure  Make one-stop services more customer- focused and effective  Engage business community  Improve individualized opportunities for training  Develop cross-cutting measures  Upgrade (or rethink) WIA youth program

14 View from Chairs and NGA Task Force  Link workforce strategies to economic needs  Build the pipeline and encourage continuous learning  Enhance work supports and career management  Align governance and accountability  Transform image of workforce development

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