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Background: “Sir Gawain & the Green Knight”  Medieval Romance  People looked to religion and literature to help them live a virtuous life  Chivalric.

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Presentation on theme: "Background: “Sir Gawain & the Green Knight”  Medieval Romance  People looked to religion and literature to help them live a virtuous life  Chivalric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Background: “Sir Gawain & the Green Knight”  Medieval Romance  People looked to religion and literature to help them live a virtuous life  Chivalric tales: stories of heroic knights & their adventures; focused on chivalry Strict set of rules for gentlemanly behavior Moral and behavioral code Combination of Christian & military ideals Chivalric values: faith, modesty, loyalty, courtesy, bravery & honor  Knights respected and defended the Church, king, country & victims of injustice

2 Background: “Sir Gawain & the Green Knight”  King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable  Set in an idealized world nothing like real medieval England Arthurian world: castles, heroes, magical spells Courtly/gallant love Modeled on feudal relationship between a knight and his lord Knight serves lady with obedience and loyalty Knight’s love for lady inspires him to do great deeds

3 Background: “Sir Gawain & the Green Knight”  King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable  Set in an idealized world nothing like real medieval England Medieval England Plagues, political battles, civil unrest Women seen as men’s property and the inferior sex

4 Background: “Sir Gawain & the Green Knight”  King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable  Famous knights in King Arthur’s tales Launcelot: greatest, most distinguished knight in later Arthurian tales Sir Gawain: Arthur’s nephew; famous for courage and unfailing chivalry in early Arthurian tales

5 The Romance Genre  Imaginative adventure  Noble heroes  Courtly/gallant love  Chivalric code of honor  Daring deeds  Far Away Setting  Depicts events unlike those of ordinary life  Idealizes heroes and era in which they live  Lighthearted tone  Involves fantasy

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