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North American Physical Geography

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1 North American Physical Geography
Yes, this includes our neighbor to the North…Canada.

2 LEMPOSA…for North America
For this section, you will need to reference your LEMPOSA notes from the first six weeks…please take them out of your binder. I will give you 3-4 minutes to read them over to refresh your memory. Latitude: South Texas is warmer than North Texas, why? Far North Canada, is much colder than South Texas, why?

3 Elevation At the base of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, it is very hot and dry. Near the top is much colder. Why?

4 Mountain Barrier Effect
California is lush on the West Coast, and a desert (Nevada) on the leeward side of the mountain. Nevada is over HERE

5 LEMPOSA Proximity to Water: Water moderates temperatures so you don’t experience the “4 seasons” like you would if you were interior, like Kansas. Ocean Currents: Water cools off slower than land, so the cool water surrounding the West Coast, helps keep it from becoming as hot as other places with similar latitudes.

6 Storms Tornadoes: Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas are prone to Tornadoes in the Spring and the Fall. Hurricanes: common on the East Coast What other Natural Disasters can you think of? How do they change the overall climate of an area?

7 Important Mountain Ranges & Waterways
Major Waterways Mississippi-Missouri-Ohio river system Mackenzie River Columbia River Rio Grande River Colorado River St. Lawrence Seaway Mountain Ranges Rocky Mountains Appalachian Mountains

8 Rocky Mountains Largest & youngest! mountain range in North America.
Higher than the Appalachian Mountains. Stretches from Alaska to Mexico.

9 Appalachian Mountains
Curves west along the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Runs from eastern Canada to western Alabama. Oldest mountain range on the continent.


11 The Mississippi: America’s Great River Road
Longest River in North America

12 Grand Canyon Carved out by the Colorado River over a 5 million year time span. Over 1 mile deep Recent estimates say that the canyon is over 17 m yrs old Continental Divide: Separates the watersheds that drain into the Pacific from those that drain into the Atlantic .

13 Great Salt Lake (Utah) 6 times saltier than the oceans!

14 Canadian Shield A very thin layer of soil lying on top of the bedrock, with many bare outcrops. Is a result of glaciation. The CS is rich in mineral deposits, scarcely populated.

15 Death Valley, CA 3,000 sq miles
Lowest, hottest & driest place in N. America

16 US & Canadian Physical Geography
Resources Both U.S. and Canada have huge mineral and fossil fuel resources Forest lands cover about 1/3 of the U.S. and ½ of Canada Climate & Vegetation Canada’s climates and vegetation are related to its far northern location. The U.S. includes regions that are in almost every climate and vegetation zone

17 Canadian Provinces & Territories
Canada = 10 Provinces & 3 Territories. Major Cities: Quebec, Toronto & Montreal Capital City: Ottawa Quebec (province): former French colony, that still has strong cultural ties to France. Nunavut: territory given to Inuit population (Natives).

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