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IPeuropAware and Sectoral IPR Guides Dr Agnieszka Turynska University of Alicante 1 Geneva, 15 th September 2009, WIPO.

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Presentation on theme: "IPeuropAware and Sectoral IPR Guides Dr Agnieszka Turynska University of Alicante 1 Geneva, 15 th September 2009, WIPO."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPeuropAware and Sectoral IPR Guides Dr Agnieszka Turynska University of Alicante 1 Geneva, 15 th September 2009, WIPO

2 “IPeuropAware” is the main project in the IP field funded by the EC. Duration Nov 2007 – Nov 2010. Budget 7,7 M€ The general approach is flexible and open, allowing a fluid interaction with the Commission & EACI services. This means the organisation of additional activities or adapting of the proposed activities in response to EC/EACI recommendations. 2

3 3 Participants 28 partners: 19 National Patent Offices, 6 reputable research organisations, 1 Chamber of Commerce, 1 Innovation Agency, 1 International Association.

4 European Commission Advisory Board (external parties) Scientific Coordination Committee (10 consortium members: DKPTO, UIBM, UA, UKIPO, PRV, INPI(FR), DPMA,HPO, CRPHT, IEEPI) Administrative Coordination (UA) Management Board All 26 consortium members Working Scheme 4

5 To significantly raise SMEs interest, knowledge and understanding about Intellectual Property issues. To help the SMEs to integrate IP in their innovation strategies and their business planning. To improve protection and enforcement by SMEs of their IP rights from infringement whether this originates from within or outside the EU. To raise SMEs ability to fight counterfeiting and increase knowledge on the methodologies available to detect it. 5

6 To develop a Guide on IPR protection to educate the fashion and design industries (textiles, leather, footwear and furniture) on the risks counterfeiting poses and on the existing means and procedures to combat it. To promote and support the use of IP rights in international research, development and technology transfer activities, providing a support service to actual and potential beneficiaries of CIP and Research Framework Programme actions. 6

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8 Studies and developing the knowledge base 8 Findings SMEs with lowest level of awareness have the highest need for support services But: The greates supply of support services are targeted at IPR ”beginners” So: Need for more information about existing services, or Not enough services Findings SMEs with highest level of awareness are doing fine Infringement and enforcement: The supply of services is adequate at the higher levels of awareness

9 IPR Enforcement and support services 9 Report on recommended enforcement support services: Recommended services: Awareness raising Guidance (helpdesk) Website on enforcement Monitoring services Counterfeiting hotline Bank of speakers Knowledge on IPR enforcement abroad National Enforcement Seminars: 2 rounds of enforcement seminars took place -12 seminars in 11 countries. 3rd round of the enforcement seminars: Denmark: January 2010 Italy: 13th October 2009 Malta: 15th October 2009 Poland: 28th October 2009 Hungary: 17 seminars between 4th September and end November 2009. 15 regional seminars and 2 seminars in Budapest.

10 Establishment of a cost-efficient and useful trans-national website including an extranet network of European helpdesks of Patent Offices. 10

11 Development of new IPR awareness and enforcement support services: Top-down method: from national innovation/IP strategies down to the publicly financed services Bottom-up method: identifying gaps between SMEs’ needs and services provided by NPOs up to strategies Matching point in between? Implementation of at least 2 new sustainable services on IPR and enforcement issues per country according to the needs of the SMEs and to the national innovation/IP policy 11

12 Regular contacts and initiation of relations between NPOs and various regional and local stakeholders (e.g. EEN contractors, Custom Offices, Associations, companies, public authorities, etc.) leading to stronger and sustainable relations between each NPO and the local intermediaries at national level. 12

13 Analysis of services delivered in this range by the NPOs conducted and national assessment reports prepared. Drafting of service implementation plans on the basis of the assessment report(s) has been finalised and the development of all necessary infrastructure for the implementation of the service plans has started. The implementation of the local first line awareness and enforcement helpdesk – to be started soon. 13

14 Sectoral IP Guides for textile and clothing, leather, footware and furniture industries. Awareness seminars in 13 countries and the final event in Brussels. 14

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19 Currently the English version is nearly ready – 4 Guides, one per sector of textiles and clothing, footwear, leather and furniture. Remaining 12 languages in translation and editing process. The Guide has around 160 pages Promotion and dissemination activities to start shortly. 19

20 13 seminars in target countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom) will be organised from October 2009 until September 2010. 1 final international seminar in Brussels - September / October 2010. With the objective to make aware local SMEs about the fact that the Guides are available, to raise awareness about IPR and importance of its protection for target sectors, inform about the threats and risks of counterfeiting and copying of their products and also about existing possibilities to prevent counterfeiting-problems. 20

21 Germany – 9 November 2009 UK – November 2009 Greece - 4 or 10 March 2010 Spain – 11 March 2010 Romania – 24 March 2010 Lithuania – 26 April 2010 Czech Republic – 26 May 2010 21

22 Operating an efficient free of charge Helpline, assisting potential and current participants in EU-funded Research and Innovation projects on IPR issues, in particular those relating to EU rules for dissemination and use of research results. 22

23 Publication which contains articles, daily news and events of interest for the target audience and for SMEs 23

24 For more information, please contact the project coordinator: Thank you for your attention!! 24

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