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National energy balances without statistical differences Statistics Netherlands, W. Tinbergen.

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Presentation on theme: "National energy balances without statistical differences Statistics Netherlands, W. Tinbergen."— Presentation transcript:

1 National energy balances without statistical differences Statistics Netherlands, W. Tinbergen

2 General form of energy balance ___________________________ Top down (whole country = black box) Bottom up (sum of individual consumptions) Statistical difference ( top down minus bottom up )

3 Role of statistical difference in CO 2 -calculations _____________________ IPCC reference approach: - statistical difference included Sectoral approach: – stat diff in first instance not included (added afterwards as a quasi-sector)

4 Role of statistical difference in calculations on energy _____________________ Two figures for national energy consumption instead of one Energy conservation calculations by sector not consistent with calculations for the country as a whole

5 Effects of zero statistical difference _____________________ CO 2 : simpler definitions reference approach consistent with sectoral approach Energy balances: balances simplified, energy conservation calculations more consistent.

6 Working group of statisticians Task Develop production process for energy balances without statistical differences, starting with 1999 Make revised figures without statistical differences for 1995-1998 and for 1990 (base year for Kyoto-protocol and for energy conservation studies).

7 Realisation of task statistical differences were analysed in detail for most differences solutions were found by improving quality : – more complete or better input data – better insertion in the energy balance

8 Examples underestimated exports solid fuels, oil products oil products in petrochemical industry non-energetic use instead of energetic use incomplete information on consumption of gas oil inland shipping, agriculture, construction industry

9 Results about 70% of the original statistical differences eliminated by more or better input data remaining 30% eliminated by best estimates of statisticians

10 Recalculation of original balances Balance 1990 needed for Kyoto protocol Calculation complicated by: customs regulations on petroleum products conversion of old branch code to NACE new software / data storage system

11 Recalculation of original balances Original balances 1995 - 1998 have been recalculated completely The resulting sets of tables have the same form and detail as the sets of tables for 1999, 2000, 2001 etc.

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