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What is wind and how do wind patterns form?

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Presentation on theme: "What is wind and how do wind patterns form?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is wind and how do wind patterns form?

2 What is wind? Movement of air
caused by unequal heating of earth’s atmosphere results in movement of air due to a type of energy transfer called convection

3 Wind speed or velocity depends on the change in air pressure called the pressure gradient
lines of equal pressure are called isobars where the lines are close together, the wind speed increases Winds will blow from high pressure to low pressure Wind Speed

4 Air Pressure systems H L
High Pressure System: winds move clockwise and away the center Low Pressure System: winds move counter clockwise and towards the center H L


6 Prevailing Winds These are the planetary winds-see ESRT
They are influenced by the earth’s rotation-they are deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere. This is known as the Coriolis Effect Winds originate in the opposite direction they move.


8 Jet Stream Currents of very fast moving winds high in the troposphere
They influence the movement and development of storm systems see esrt

9 Wrap up What causes wind? How do winds move across the USA?
Where is it windy on a weather map? How does the jet stream influence weather patterns? Why do winds curve?

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