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Connecting the Dots: An Inquiry-Based Approach to Information Literacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting the Dots: An Inquiry-Based Approach to Information Literacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting the Dots: An Inquiry-Based Approach to Information Literacy

2 What Makes WISPR Different? Theoretically Based – uses Carol Kuhlthau’s Information Search Process as framework Provides focus on Process rather than Skills Allows Customization – easily modified for specific courses or disciplines of study

3 WISPR & Inquiry “Students need to develop the ability to learn from abundant information without becoming frustrated, distracted, or bored and to go beyond finding facts to create their own understanding at a deeper level…In this way, inquiry-based learning is compatible with the objectives of the information–age school to prepare students for the information society.” Dr. Carol Kuhlthau in Donham, J. ed. (2001) Inquiry- Based Learning: Lessons from Library Power Linworth: Worthington, Ohio

4 WISPR & Inquiry “…the fostering of “creative whys” could easily be considered a major goal of education as a whole” Randy Burke Hensley “Curiosity and Creativity as Attributes of Information Literacy ” Reference & User Services Quarterly 44 (1) Fall 2004

5 Usual Depiction of ISP

6 WISPR Depiction of ISP

7 How Can We Use WISPR To Inform Scientific Inquiry? How do we ask scientific questions? What do I find interesting? What do we already know about the research area? Where are the gaps in the literature? What information do I need to design an answerable scientific question? How can I explain what my results mean?

8 WISPR & Evidence-Based Nursing Patient General Question Clinical Question (PICO) Resource Evaluation Patient 1The PatientStart with the patient – recognize a clinical problem or question which arises out of the care of the patient 2The QuestionQuestion the clinical problem – highlight areas of concern, obtain background information 3Focus the Question Reframe the question using PICO to focus and clarify the clinical problem PICO: Patient, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome 4The ResourceSelect the appropriate resource(s) and conduct a search 5The EvaluationAppraise the evidence for its validity (closeness to the truth) and applicability (usefulness in clinical practice) 6The PatientReturn to the patient -- integrate that evidence with clinical expertise, patient preferences, and apply it to practice

9 Future Directions New grant of $27,000+ to enhance project Improved administrative system to increase library ownership Packageability for use at other institutions Greater inclusion of elements addressing not just finding but also use of information

10 Comments or Questions? Shauna Rutherford Information Literacy Coordinator University of Calgary Library (403) 220-3058

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