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Ultra-high dimensional feature selection Yun Li

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Presentation on theme: "Ultra-high dimensional feature selection Yun Li"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ultra-high dimensional feature selection Yun Li

2 Outline Spectral feature selection Zheng Zhao. Spectral feature selection for mining ultrahigh dimensional data, PhD dissertation, 2010 Sure independence screening Jianqing Fan, Jinchi Lv. Sure independence screening for ultra-high dimensional feature space, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B. 2008 Local learning Y. J. Sun, S. Todorovic and S. Goodison. Local learning based feature selection for high dimensional data analysis. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32:1–18, 2010.

3 Ultrahigh dimensional feature selection It is challenging to find tens of important variables out of thousands of predictors, with number of observations usually in tens or hundreds. This is similar to finding a couple of needles in a huge haystack.

4 Difficulties First, the design matrix X is rectangular, having more columns than rows. In this case, the matrix X T X is huge and singular. The maximum spurious correlation between a covariate and the response can be large. Second, the covariance matrix may become ill-conditioned as n grows, which adds difficulty to variable selection.

5 Difficulties Third, the minimum nonzero absolute coefficient may decay with n and get close to the noise level. Fourth, the distribution of z may have heavy tails. Therefore, in general, it is challenging to estimate the sparse parameter vector accurately when p >> n.

6 Spectral feature selection Select features to achieve sample similarity preservation via certain ways. Spectral feature selection utilize the spectrum of a given similarity matrix or its induced graph to evaluate feature relevance.

7 We check whether a feature assigns similar values to samples which are near to each other on the graph. According to spectral graph theory, the structural information of a graph can be obtained by studying its spectrum (all the eigenpairs of L)

8 Specifically, the smaller the value of, the smoother the vector f on G. A smooth vector f assigns similar values to the samples that are close to each other on G, thus it is consistent with the graph structure.

9 Normalization: The score of F i can be evaluated by:

10 According to spectral clustering theorem, a good cluster indicator will result in a small normalized cut value by assigning similar values to samples that are near to each other on the graph.


12 A small value does not indicate better separability, since the trivial eigenvector does not carry any distribution information.

13 normalize

14 According to spectral clustering theory, the leading k eigenvectors of L form the optimal soft cluster indicators that separate G into k parts. All the eigenvalues of L are contained in [0, 2]. assigns bigger scores to features which are more relevant


16 Robustness analysis A good feature selection algorithms should be robust to the potential perturbations. The analysis is base on the perturbation theory developed for symmetric linear system.

17 According to Theorem 3, the robustness of the eigenvalues is determined by the scale of the perturbation matrix E, which is measured by its norm. Theorem 3 (Weyl) Let A and E be n-by-n symmetric matrices. Let be the eigenvalues of A and be the eigenvalues of

18 The robustness of the eigenvectors is determined by the scale of the perturbation matrix E as well as the eigen-gap of the corresponding eigenvalue.

19 In above equations, L is the original Laplacian matrix, is the perturbed Laplacian matrix and is the corresponding perturbation. Similar relationship holds for f, and, where f is a feature vector.




23 Semi-supervised FS A feature’s relevance is evaluated by its consistency with both labeled and unlabeled data NMI(F i,y) is the normalized mutual information



26 SPEC framework The proposed spectral feature selection is a framework. It unifies many existing feature selection algorithms: Laplacian Score, Fisher Score, ReliefF, Trace Ratio, and HSIC. they use different rules to normalize f and S.

27 ReliefF

28 Redundant features removal feature selection is achieved by enforcing sparsity through applying L2,1-norm constraint on the solutions


30 Multi-source FS To achieve this, given multiple knowledge sources, we first extract a local sample distribution pattern from each source, which can be then combined to generate a global sample distribution pattern to reflect the intrinsic relationships among samples


32 Knowledge Conversion - use different types of knowledge to extract sample similarity. Knowledge Integration - Given multiple local sample similarity matrices, a global similarity matrix can be obtained by linearly combining local similarity matrices Feature Selection - after obtained the global it can be used in the proposed spectral feature selection framework for feature selection.



35 Sure independence screening Hierarchical model:

36 Sure independence screening Its computational cost is that of multiplying a pxn matrix with an n-vector plus getting the largest d components of a p-vector, so SIS has computational complexity O(np)

37 By sure screening we mean a property that all the important variables survive after applying a variable screening procedure with probability tending to one.

38 Local learning In the presence of many thousands of irrelevant features, the nearest neighbors defined in the original space can be completely different from those in the induced space.

39 (4) (5)



42 Theoretic analysis 1. Objective function is no longer a convex function, and thus a gradient descent method may find a local minimizer or a saddle point. However, the theorem shows that if the initial point is properly selected, the solution obtained when the gradient vanishes is a global minimizer.

43 Theoretic analysis 2. Use the Banach fixed point theorem to prove the convergence theorem. 3. The algorithm has a logarithmical sample complexity with respect to the input feature dimensionality

44 Thank you !

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