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Addition. Early Level Language of Addition Children should be familiar with the various words used for addition: Total Find the sum of Plus Avoid the.

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Presentation on theme: "Addition. Early Level Language of Addition Children should be familiar with the various words used for addition: Total Find the sum of Plus Avoid the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Addition

2 Early Level

3 Language of Addition Children should be familiar with the various words used for addition: Total Find the sum of Plus Avoid the use of ‘and’ when meaning addition (e.g. NOT ‘2 and 3’)

4 Addition Facts When one addition fact is known, it is important to elicit the other addition fact. Example 2 + 3 = 5 3 + 2 = 5 This should also lead onto working out the subtraction facts.

5 Using Concrete Materials Children could use any materials/resources at home to help them with their addition: pasta shapes pens/pencils spoons or any other cutlery outdoor resources: stones, sticks etc Use concrete materials until children are confident with the concept of addition.

6 First Level

7 Addition Calculations Always start addition at the top and work downwards as a basic teaching method. Move towards looking for patterns, e.g. bonds to 10. 5 4 Say 5 add 4 add 7. + 7

8 Addition Calculations 6 7 Say 6 add 7 add 4 + 4 or 6 add 4 add 7 (to look for patterns)

9 ‘Carrying’ in Addition When ‘carrying’, lay out the calculation as below: 5 6 + 3 9 9 5 Put the addition sign to the left of the calculation.

10 Using Concrete Materials The calculation is 15 + 8 TensUnits Lay out tens and units to show 15 (1 ten and 5 units) then lay 8 units under the 5 that are already there. Add 8 units and 5 units. You have 13 units, too many to remain in the units column. Step 1

11 Step 2 TensUnits Exchange 10 units for 1 ten: count 10 of the 13 units and measure them against a ten taken from the box.

12 Step 3 TensUnits Put the ten into the tens column and return the units to the box. When you add 8 and 5, 13 units become 1 ten and 3 units. 1 ten is carried into the tens and the 3 units remain in the units column. You now have 2 tens so your answer is 2 tens and 3 units, 23.

13 Second Level

14 ‘Carrying’ in Addition 5 6 + 3 9 9 5 The ‘carry’ digit always sits above the line. 6 add 9 equals 15 so exchange for 1 ten and 5 units. Write 5 in the units column and carry 1 ten. Add the tens, 5 and 3 and 1 equals 9, write this in the tens column. The answer is 95.

15 ‘Carrying’ in Addition 2 6 7 + 3 8 5 6 5 2 Add the units: 7 add 5 equals 12. Exchange for 1 ten and 2 units, write 2 in the units column and carry 1 ten. Add the tens. 6 add 8 add 1 equals 15. Exchange for 1 hundred and 5 tens, write 5 in the tens column and carry 1 hundred. 2 add 3 add 1 equals 6. The answer is 652.

16 Third Level

17 Addition Children will by this stage be more confident with addition calculations. They should continue to use the concepts previously taught to further progress with their work in addition.

18 Useful Websites Read, Write and Count Curriculinks Education City Sumdog

19 Addition Online Games Woodlands http://resources.woodlands- Topmarks years/addition-and-subtraction Fun 4 the Brain

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